Celebrate National Pizza Day a day early at the Northeast Times’ PizzaPalooza, taking place on Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Fraternal Order of Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road.
There will be pizza samples, music, free chances to win prizes and a cash bar.
Participating vendors are Gaeta’s Tomato Pies, Momma Mia’s Pizzeria, Charlie’s Pizzeria, Chickie’s & Pete’s, Domino’s Pizza, Pizza City (Red Lion Road) and Heckler Hot Sauce.
Adult tickets are $15 in advance.
Children 2-12 pay $7.50.
Children under 2 are free.
To buy tickets, go to https://nmg.ticketleap.com/pizza5/dates/Feb-08-2023_at_0530PM. ••