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Letters to the Editor

President for all?

When a person is sworn into the office of the presidency, that person is the president for every single American. Even for the people who did not vote for them. President Biden promised that he would be that kind of president. President Biden said he would care for everyone and that he would bind all wounds, heal all of us and bring everyone together. Right now the good people of East Palestine, Ohio would surely disagree. Where was Joe?

On Feb. 3, a freight train carrying multiple, hazardous chemicals into this small town suddenly derailed. A true catastrophe occurred that then caused a major environmental issue. Smoke and soot billowing throughout the skies that polluted the air and water supply of this small hamlet located only 40 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. The mayor of East Palestine rightfully declared a state of emergency and waited for help from Washington. To get clean air. Safe drinking water. Help was on the way. Right? Where was Joe?

If 90% of life is actually showing up, then the Biden administration must have missed that memo. Most presidents would show up to have empathy for the victims of the tragedy, bring federal disaster aid, listen to community leaders, have lots of news conferences wearing a concerned look, a blue windbreaker, tan khaki pants, all the while promising lots of support and money from FEMA and the EPA. Reagan, Clinton, Obama and Trump would have all used their bully pulpit to show up and show that they personally care. Not Joe Biden. Not Vice President Harris. Not Mayor Pete. Where was Joe?

So why has Joe not visited Ohio during the worst man-made disaster in the United States since Three Mile Island in 1979? I would guess that Joe doesn’t give top priority to a small town of struggling, lower-middle-class, high school-educated, religious, conservative voters who desperately need a helping hand from Washington. Not enough Biden 2024 supporters I guess? Where was Joe?

These 5,000 residents along the Ohio/Pennsylvania border got the shaft because there would be no “Top Gun” photo ops for the president walking through their small town in the Midwest with no air raid sirens blaring. See it’s not sexy visiting East Palestine, Ohio when you can visit Kiev, Ukraine with your aviator sunglasses on. Joe felt that his time would be better spent lending taxpayers funds and support overseas, instead of to the actual country that he received 81 million votes. The one that pays his salary. Where was Joe?

So 19 days pass and finally a president does come to town to lend support and show the local citizens that they do matter. Not Joe Biden. Donald Trump made it to Ohio to lend an ear, show support and bring some laughs and smiles. That’s leadership. That’s inspirational. That’s what the president of the United States is elected to do. Inspire Americans, first. Then go inspire the world. Where was Joe?

When our national media calls Joe Biden an inspirational leader, ask yourself if Joe Biden is inspiring for all of us or just the elites and globalists who will always cheer his every move. That’s not what I would call an American president for all.

Joe Biden promised to be the champion and president of the little guy. I guess just not the little guys from a Red state like Ohio.

John Farley


On Fetterman, public hangings

I am replying to two letters that appeared in the March 1 issue of the Northeast Times.

The first letter questioned Sen. Fetterman’s competence since he suffers from depression. Below is a list that was compiled by NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) of people who have suffered from either depression or some other form of mental illness.



Eugene O’Neill

Patty Duke

Virginia Woolf



Vivien Leigh

Leo Tolstoy

van Gogh


Charles Dickens

Isaac Newton

Could you question the competence of any of these people? Churchill called his depression, “My black dog.”

The second article to which I take offense is the one where the writer spoke of reinstating the public hangings of pickpockets as was done in England in the past. Is he aware of the fact that while a large crowd gathered to watch the pickpockets be hanged, others were picking the pockets of the watchers. The writer’s idea also both condones and normalizes violence.

Romona Flitter


Is it too much to ask?

As spring and summer seasons approaches, we will soon hear nature’s morning birds chirping, occasional front lawns being mowed early, children playing and roaring motorcycles when the weather gets warmer. But also unfortunately, illegal ATVs being driven in some areas disturbing the peace. Many want to open their windows to enjoy some fresh air. Most want to live in a place where no outside dogs are barking all day and night and vehicles are not blasting unnecessary loud and vulgar music as if the driver is hard of hearing. Why not show some consideration and respect to those senior neighbors who are retired and others who worked all day and want to come home to a quiet resting place they call home?

Remember, your personal pleasures may not be someone else’s.

Think over it.

Carl Williams


A bad idea

Just when the population of Philadelphia is starting to increase from steady reductions from its high in the 1960s, City Council can’t help itself but to create another tax on people.

They want to create a wealth tax.

Philadelphia had a 10-year abatement on new construction that brought in workers’ wage taxes and higher property taxes.

Council, along with our moronic mayor, created a soda tax for pre-K, etc. and then spent that money on other things.

The new tax will probably be on people who own companies or have funds to be able to move out of Philadelphia, thereby making the city even poorer.

City Council is unimaginable because all they can do is tax and spend.

Welcome to Philadelphia, where people are shot, carjacked, get taxed and criminals walk the streets.

Mayer Krain

Modena Park

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