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Around Town

Balloon Show at Holmesburg Library

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., will host a Balloon Show on Wednesday, March 8, at 6 p.m. The public is invited for a fun show with lots of audience participation. Balloon shapes will be used to help kids act out a story and create a show. ••

Spring fling at Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace Church, 6001 Colgate St. (at Comly Street) in Lawncrest, is having an indoor spring fling on Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a flea market, baked goods and chances sold for gift baskets. Homemade soups and lunch will be available, including hot dogs, meatballs and mild sausage. ••

Poetry, open mic at NE Regional

Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., will welcome poets Naila Francis and Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon on Wednesday, March 8, at 6 p.m. There will also be an open mic. Call 215-685-0501 ••

St. Jerome Seniors to meet

St. Jerome’s Senior Group will meet on Thursday, March 9 and 23, in the school hall, 3031 Stamford St. Arrive by 10 a.m. Meeting begins promptly at 11 a.m. ••

Happy birthday, Robert Ryerss

Ryerss Museum & Library, 7370 Central Ave. in Burholme Park, will host a 192nd birthday party for Robert Ryerss on Saturday, March 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be food, vintage games, prizes, Victorian crafts and cake. Tours of the cupola will go from noon to 2 p.m. for $5. A storytime precedes the party at 10:30. Call 215-685-0544. ••

Bingo on Saturday

St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, at Trenton Avenue and Cumberland Street, will hold bingo on Saturday, March 11, from 1-4 p.m. Doors open at noon. Packages are $20 and include lunch. Call 215-423-0792. ••

Meeting on crime on Monday

The Inter-Faith Social Change Movement will hold a meeting on Monday, March 13, at 11 a.m. at 4917 Frankford Ave. The discussion will be about violent crime. ••

Celebrate 60 years

Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, invites the public to celebrate 60 years of memories and moments on Sunday, March 26, at noon. There will be a brunch buffet, dessert station, mimosas, videos and personal recollections. The cost is $25. Checks payable to Congregations of Shaare Shamayim can be sent to 9768 Verree Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115. The deadline is March 13. Call 215-677-1600. ••

Sisterhood meeting in March

The Sisterhood of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, will meet on Tuesday, March 14, at 1 p.m. The speaker will be Rabbi Sandi Berliner. Her topic will be: “What’s on your seder plate – Updating your Seder.” Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free. Call 215-677-1600. ••

Somerton Civic to meet Tuesday

Somerton Civic Association will meet on Tuesday, March 14, at 7 p.m. at the Walker Lodge of the I.O.O.F. at 1290 Southampton Road. There will be zoning matters at 11000 Roosevelt Blvd. and 725 Byberry Road. ••

Book review and dinner at Maggio’s

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is having a book review on Wednesday, March 15, at Maggio’s Restaurant, 400 2nd Street Pike, Southampton, at 6 p.m. The book being discussed is Yellow Wife, by Sadeqa Johnson. The cost is $40, which includes dinner and dessert. Call Joyce at 267-808-2022 for reservations. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Become a lifeguard

City Councilman Brian O’Neill announced that the Parks and Recreation Department is hiring summer lifeguards. Interested applicants must be 16 years or older. Lifeguards earn $16 to $18 per hour. You must pass a lifeguard screening given by a water safety instructor and complete a lifeguard certification course at Lincoln Pool. Parks and Recreation is offering free training for anyone interested in lifeguarding and a cash bonus for new and returning lifeguards. A $1,000 end-of-season bonus will be available to any lifeguard who submits their completed employment application by April 15 and works throughout the 2023 summer season. Candidates who submit a completed application by May 15 will be eligible for a $500 end-of-season bonus. For more information about the program, call O’Neill’s office at 215-686-3422. ••

St. Hubert trip to A.C. in June

St. Hubert will hold its eighth annual fun day trip on Monday, June 19. A bus will depart St. Hubert at 8:45 a.m. There will be a one-hour boat ride on an Atlantic City cruise ship. Next will be a four-hour stay at Resorts Casino, with $15 back in slot cash and a $20 food voucher. After that, there will be a sit-down dinner and wine tasting at Tomasello Winery. The bus will arrive back about 9 p.m. The cost is $105, paid in full by May 15.

To reserve your seat, contact Mary Clifford at 267-231-7367 or [email protected]. ••

Opera shows scheduled

Amici Opera Company will present Ponchielli’s Marion Delorme on Saturday, March 18, at 4 p.m. at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer, 1128 Cottman Ave.

There will be two performances of Donizetti’s La Favorita: Sunday, March 19, at 3 p.m. at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer; and Sunday, March 26, at 2:30 p.m. at Dock Woods, 275 Dock Drive, Lansdale.

Call 215-224-0257 or visit the Amici Opera Company page on Facebook. ••

Bus trip to see Elvis

St. Katherine of Siena Primrose Senior Club is running a bus trip to the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre in Lancaster on Thursday, June 1. The trip will include a buffet lunch and matinee show, Elvis the Musical. The cost is $110. For reservations and more information, call Catherine Murphy at 215-919-4399. ••

St. Patrick’s Day party

St. Martha Parish will host a beef-and-beer roof fundraiser on Friday, March 17, in the cafeteria, 11321 Academy Road. There will be music, dancing, a photo booth, raffles and a 50/50. Tickets cost $30 in advance and $35 at the door. Call Tracy Brown at 856-287-9284. ••

Craft fair on March 25

Villages at Pine Valley will host a craft fair on Saturday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the clubhouse, 900 Pine Valley Blvd. (access off 8540 Verree Road). There will be homemade candy, jewelry, wreaths, candles and artwork. Call Kathy at 215-722-1501. ••

Car cruise and flea market

The Misled Car Cruise and Flea Market will take place on April 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd, 10901 Calera Road. The car cruise is free. The cost for flea market vendors is $25. The flea market starts at 9 a.m. For vendor information, call Rosemarie at 215-868-5304. ••

Local players in all-star game

The Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council’s All Star Labor Classic basketball game will be played Sunday, April 16, at Holy Family University, 9801 Frankford Ave. Proceeds will benefit the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The event pits the City Boys vs. Suburban Boys at 2:45 p.m. and the City Girls vs. Suburban Girls teams at 1:15. Local players will be Father Judge’s Chris Brennan and Ernest Shelton and Archbishop Ryan’s Jack Dreibelbis and Zaire Paris. Every participating player receives a $500 college scholarship, thanks to sponsorships. Prior to the two main events, attendees can enjoy the Labor All Stars vs. Media All Stars at noon. Admission is free. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, email [email protected]. ••

Benefit for autism

Somerton’s Top Hat Dance Studio will hold Come Dance with Our Stars on Sunday, March 26, from noon to 4 p.m. at Spring Mill Country Manor, 171 Jacksonville Road, Ivyland. The luncheon costs $40. There will be prizes, raffles and a 50/50. Proceeds benefit Rydal’s Center at Hampton House, which offers services to people with autism and intellectual disabilities. Call 215-885-3971. ••

Bucks senior softball registration

Registration is open for the Bucks 65+ Senior Softball League. Indoor practices are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at PRAC, 375 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville. Teams will form in April. For information, go to www.bucksseniorsoftball.com or email Bill at [email protected] or Jack at [email protected]. ••

Sign up for senior softball

The Philadelphia Senior Softball League is looking for experienced players for their 59-and-over and 68-and-over leagues. The seasons start mid-April and will go until the end of September. There will be about 30 games, plus playoffs. No games are played in July. The 59-and-over games are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The 68-and-over games are Mondays and Fridays. All games are played at Crispin Field, Holme and Convent avenues. Games start at 10 a.m. For more information on the 59-and-over league, call John Troy at 215-292-1437. For more information on the 68-and-over league, call Marty King at 215-409-5021. ••

North communion breakfast

The Northeast Catholic Alumni Communion Breakfast will take place on April 16 at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. Register at www.northcatholicalumni.org. ••

Mayoral debate at Holy Family

The Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a mayoral debate on Tuesday, April 18, in the gym at Holy Family University, located in the Campus Center, close to the entrance at Frankford Avenue and Stevenson Lane. Doors open at 6 p.m. The debate begins at 7. The moderators will be Dan McElhatton, a lawyer, former city councilman and chair of the GNPCC’s government affairs committee; Northeast Times editor Tom Waring; and Jennifer Lewis-Hall, of PHL17. A Holy Family student will have the chance to ask a couple of questions. The public is invited. ••

Celebrating 100 years of SMT

St. Martin of Tours Parish invites all school alumni, current and past parishioners and friends to a 100th anniversary Mass in the upper church, 5450 Roosevelt Blvd., on Sunday, April 30, at noon. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Edward Adams. Afterward, there will be a “Past & Present — Building Our Future” celebration at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road, from 2-6 p.m. Tickets cost $35 and include food, soft drinks, music and door prizes. The event is for ages 21-plus. Tickets must be purchased in advance in the rectory, after all Masses, through Venmo (@smotphilly) or with check to St. Martin of Tours Church, 5450 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19124, Attn: Centennial Celebration. Proceeds will benefit church improvements. ••

Red Cross blood drive

Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, is holding a blood drive being run by the American Red Cross on Sunday, March 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed to check people in and assist where needed. Light refreshments will be served. To reserve your time slot or for more details, call the CSS office at 215-677-1600. ••

Graduate open house

Holy Family University will host a graduate open house on Wednesday, March 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the main lobby of its Newtown East Campus, One Campus Drive, Newtown. Visitors will learn about opportunities for graduate and second degree programs in business, counseling, education, nursing and psychology.

Register at holyfamily.edu/grad. ••

Trip to American Dream

St. Leo’s Knights of Columbus 1294 in Tacony is running a bus trip to the American Dream retail and entertainment complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey on Saturday, March 25. The bus will depart at 9:15 a.m. at St. Hubert High School, Cottman Avenue and Ditman Street, and will leave American Dream at 6 p.m. The price of the trip is $47 per person (bus driver gratuity included). Anyone interested in attending the trip can contact John McKenna at 267-242-3975 or [email protected]. ••

Easter egg hunt

Memorial Presbyterian Church of Fox Chase, 7902 Oxford Ave., is hosting a neighborhood Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 1, from 10 to 11:45 a.m. There will be games, crafts and storytime. Everyone is welcome. ••

Tae Kwon Do competition

Red Tiger Tae Kwon Do will hold its USTC Red Tiger Cup on Saturday, May 6, at 8 a.m. at Bucks County Community College, 275 Swamp Road in Newtown. Students will compete in sparring, patterns and special technique with trophies and medals awarded to the top three competitors in each division. Call 215-969-9962. ••

Trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan

The Polish American Cultural Center Museum volunteers are sponsoring a 7-day, 6-night trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan from July 9-15. The trip consists of a ferry ride to Mackinac Island, two nights at the Grand Hotel, a horse-drawn carriage ride and visits to Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, the Henry Ford Museum and the National Shrine of the Cross in the Woods. The price includes bus transportation, hotels, six breakfasts, six dinners, a buffet luncheon at the Grand Hotel, admission to all attractions, baggage handling, taxes and gratuities. Call Theresa Romanowski at 215-813-2780 or 215-922-1700. ••

Early Passover Seder

Passover will be celebrated early when KleinLife, in partnership with the Golden Slipper Club & Charities and Passover League, stages a complimentary Seder on Wednesday, March 22, at 10:30 a.m. KleinLife is at 10100 Jamison Ave. The pre-holiday observance and celebration will be led by Rabbi Sandra Rosenthal Berliner, with accompaniment by Gene Gelfonson. To reserve a seat for the Seder and holiday meal, visit the front desk at KleinLife or call 215-698-7300, Ext. 193. ••

Magic show and dinner

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is hosting a magic show and dinner (adults only) on Sunday, April 2, at 3 p.m. at the Smoke & Mirrors Magic Theater, 2840 Pine Road (Landmark Business Center), Huntingdon Valley. Doors open at 2:40 p.m. The cost is $55 per person and includes show and food from Ben & Irv’s restaurant. Call Bernadette at 570-401-8417 for information and tickets. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Book club to meet in April

The Book Club of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will be holding a Zoom session on Monday, April 3, at 7 p.m. The book is The Masterpiece by Fionna Davis. For further information, or to register for the book club program, call Lynn Ratmansky at the synagogue office at 215-677-1600. ••

Afternoon Tea in Bristol

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is hosting a traditional Afternoon Tea on Saturday, April 15, at noon at Bricky Girl Tea Room, 236 Mill St., Bristol. There will be contests for Best Fancy Hat, Best Funny Hat and Best High Tea Look. For tickets, call Lauren at 267-304-6396. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Casino trip to Atlantic City

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is running a casino trip to Caesars Atlantic City on Tuesday, April 18. The cost is $40 and includes round-trip motor coach and $20 in slot dollars. Bus will leave from 604 Township Line Road, Cheltenham, at 9:45 a.m. and return about 8 p.m. Call Elaine at 215-913-9237 for reservations. This event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Sports Hall of Fame banquet at FOP

The City All Star Chapter Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame will hold its 29th awards banquet on Tuesday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road.

The class of 2023 consists of former North Catholic soccer coach Jerry Brindisi; former Northeast High football coach Harvey “Brew” Schumer; Frank “Roscoe” Natale, who has coached baseball and been athletic director at Southern and Bok and been football coach at Bok, Bartram and Southern; and former La Salle University and Archbishop Ryan baseball coach Mike Lake.

In addition, the class of 2020 will be recognized. The banquet honoring them was postponed due to COVID.

Those inductees are former La Salle University basketball player Craig Conlin; coach and youth league organizer Lou DeCree; retired longtime women’s college basketball official Dennis DeMayo; Division I football official Joe Griesser; Joe Hand, a leading TV distributor of closed-circuit and pay-per-view boxing; Mike Hawkins, the PIAA District 12 chairman and former football coach and athletic director at Germantown High School; Steve Kane, the longtime former boys basketball coach at University City who led the Jaguars to the 1995 Public League title; Mike Koplove, who pitched for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Cleveland Indians; Kathy Lonergan, a Division I women’s basketball referee; Dave Mastropietro, a baseball star at La Salle University; and Dr. Anthony Salem, a former minor league baseball player.

Tickets cost $75 in advance and $80 at the door. Tables of 10 cost $750.

Checks can be made payable to Philadelphia City All Star Chapter, and mailed to PAHOF, P.O. Box 672, Levittown, PA 19055-9998 (include email address and inductee name on check). No paper tickets will be issued. Instead, guests will go to a welcome table at the FOP to get their seat assignments.

Organizers are also looking for sponsors for an ad book.

For tickets or ads, contact Steve DiSangro at [email protected] or 215-421-7556. ••

Program on brain health

The Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter will offer a complimentary program entitled Healthy Living For the Brain And Body at KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., on Wednesday, March 29, at 12:30 p.m. The public is invited. The program will be led by Angie Geiger, a community educator, and has been designed to provide insights into how to make  lifestyle choices that may help keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Call 800-272-3900. ••

Presentation on Lenape Indians

On Sunday, March 26, at 2 p.m., in the headquarters of the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation Inc., 321 Cedar St., Bristol Borough, a presentation on the Lenape Indians will be given by Barbara Michalski, a member of the Lenape Nation of PA. She will provide a brief history of the Lenape people, including their presence in Bucks County, and tell the story of “The Prophecy of the Fourth Crow,” and speak about the healing journey of the Walking Purchase. Light refreshment will be served. A donation of $5 per adult is requested, payable at the door. No fee for students. For more information, call 215-788-9408. ••

Music, refreshments at meeting

The Sisterhood of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, will host a meeting on Tuesday, April 18, at 7 p.m. Cantor Don Samuels will entertain the crowd with a vocal medley, accompanied by pianist Josh Yudkin. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free. Call 215-677-1600. ••

Entertainer Primerano on stage

Singer/pianist John Primerano will appear at Sellersville Theater, 24 W. Temple Ave. in Sellersville, on April 22, at 8 p.m. For tickets, call 215-257-5808. For more information, visit JohnPrimerano.com. ••

Alumni Day at Northeast

The Northeast High School Annual Alumni Day will be held on Friday, May 5. The awards ceremony starts at 9 a.m. at the school, followed by a brunch at Tiffany Diner. The ceremony and brunch are open to all Northeast High alumni. To RSVP for the brunch, email [email protected]. ••

Tea in Bristol

The Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation will be hosting its annual tea on Sunday, April 30, from 2 to 4 p.m., at its headquarters at 321 Cedar St., Bristol Borough. Ticket price is $35. Tea fare will include assorted sandwiches, scones, pastries and brewed tea. Added features this year are an exhibition of artwork by several members of the Artists of Bristol and musical selections by local keyboard virtuoso Francis X. Danis. The deadline to register is April 19. Call 215-788-9408. ••

Sisterhood meeting in May

The Sisterhood of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday, May 16. Doors open at 7 p.m., with the program beginning at 7:30. Lynn Levin will speak about her new collection of short stories entitled House Parties. Levin is a poet, author, translator and adjunct associate professor in the Department of English and Philosophy at Drexel University. Copies of her book will be available for sale for $20. Light refreshments will be served. There is no charge for the program. Call the synagogue office at 215-677-1600. ••

Cultural trip to Bryn Athyn Cathedral

The Sisterhood of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will take a one-hour tour of Bryn Athyn Cathedral on Thursday, May 18, at 1 p.m. There are no steps, and restrooms are accessible. The cost is $10 per person. To register, send a check, payable to CSS Sisterhood, with Bryn Athyn on the memo line, to the CSS office, 9768 Verree Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115, Attn: Bryn Athyn. Include the name, email address and phone number of each person registering. For questions, call Lynn Azoulay at 215-677-1600. ••

Trial will study prostate cancer treatment

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center have begun recruiting for a clinical trial that will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the NanoKnife System to treat patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. One of the measurements of treatment effectiveness is to assess the number of patients who are cancer-free one year following treatment.

NanoKnife is a focal therapy, a form of treatment that is typically considered less invasive and that can eliminate cancer cells through different forms of energy such as electricity, heat and cold, all while sparing normal cells.

“I think this technology is the future, and I’m hoping that in 10 to 15 years I’ll be doing surgery to remove the prostate in a very limited number of patients. Those types of procedures really affect a patient’s quality of life, and if we can avoid that it would be ideal,” said Dr. Andres Correa, an assistant professor in the Department of Urology and one of the clinicians heading the trial.

“NanoKnife is a technology that uses electricity to create a very high voltage between two probes. The lesion that has been identified and biopsied beforehand is placed between these probes and the electricity disrupts the integrity of cells, what we call the cell membrane. That’s how the cancer is affected.”

The Pivotal Study of the NanoKnife System for the Ablation of Prostate Tissue is being conducted with several other sites in the United States.

Participation in the NanoKnife research study would be an addition to the two types of focal therapy that Fox Chase already offers to treat prostate cancer. The first of these is cryoablation, in which a needle probe is used to freeze and kill diseased prostate tissue. The second is high-intensity focused ultrasound, which uses sound waves to create heat that destroys diseased tissue.

For the new study, researchers are recruiting up to 118 subjects who will be treated with NanoKnife and standard care. They will be observed closely through prostate specific antigen scores, MRIs and biopsies through 12 months and will be followed for up to five years to monitor whether cancer returns after treatment. Correa will be conducting the Fox Chase arm of the trial with Dr. David Chen, a professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology.

Chen said that historically prostate cancer has been overtreated, often favoring aggressive therapies like surgery or radiation for individuals who may not necessarily need them. With the trial, they hope to provide conclusive evidence that the NanoKnife System is best suited for these “in-between” patients.

“This technology fills a role for men who may need some treatment but for whom the traditional treatment is probably too much and can cause worse side effects or possible complications. It’s an intermediate step that allows us to do something about the cancer while not subjecting these men to the same sort of radical treatment that we historically felt was needed,” Chen said.

“We’re excited about the expected role of NanoKnife in this application, and we recognize that there are probably other types of devices that may come in the future.”

Correa added that the trial will also help researchers and clinicians better understand how therapies will evolve over time and impact cancer recurrences and quality of life. ••

VFW looking for members

Bustleton-Somerton/CTR1 Michael J. Strange VFW Post 6617 meets on the third Wednesday of every month at American Legion Post 810, 9151 Old Newtown Road. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. If you are a military veteran who served in a designated combat zone, you are eligible to join the VFW. Contact Commander Israel Wolmark at 215-725-0630 if you would like to join the post. ••

Go see Mamma Mia!

The Star Players, of the city Department of Parks and Recreation, will present Mamma Mia! from June 2-4 at 7 p.m. at Venice Island Performing Arts Center, 7 Lock St. in Manayunk. Tickets cost $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Group rates are available. Tickets are available at Holmesburg Recreation Center, 4500 Rhawn St., or on Venmo @TheStarplayers. For more information, contact director Bill Arthur at 215-685-8714 or [email protected]. ••

Upcoming cruise

The Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation is sponsoring a fully escorted Holy Lands & Aegean Majesty cruise from Oct. 6-17, visiting Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Italy. Rates, including airfare, range from $4,298 to $8,098 per person, double occupancy. Call 215-788-9408 for information and reservations. ••

Cruise the Mediterranean

Norwegian Cruise Line will host a Mediterranean cruise from Rome to Venice on Oct. 10-19. The trip is all inclusive with round-trip airfare, a beverage package, all meals, three specialty dinners, taxes, transfers and all gratuities. The cost for a balcony sea view cabin is $3,511 per person. For more information, contact Fillmore Travel’s Kevin Fries at 215-498-8294 or [email protected]. ••

South Phila. HS class of ‘68 reunion

The South Philadelphia High School Class of 1968 will hold its 55th reunion on Saturday, Oct. 21, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Waterfall Room, 2015 S. Water St. Tickets cost $60 and include buffet dinner and open bar. For tickets and more information, call Arleen Liberi [609-922-2419], Maria Leati [856-287-3734] or Stephen Michielli [267-252-2740]. ••