HomeNewsProtesting Boyle's abortion record

Protesting Boyle’s abortion record

Demonstrators listen to Pastor Bill Devlin.

The Northeast Philadelphia Pro-Life Coalition sponsored a rally last week outside U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle’s office at 8572 Bustleton Ave.

Longtime pro-life leader Mike McMonagle cited Boyle’s votes for the Whole Women’s Health Protection Act (which McMonagle said allows abortion until birth) and Medicaid funding for abortion and against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

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The rally started with a prayer, and McMonagle and another longtime pro-life leader, Pastor Bill Devlin, addressed the crowd.

McMonagle recalled that the Northeast was once represented by three consecutive pro-life congressmen: Democrat Josh Eilberg, Republican Charlie Dougherty and Democrat Bob Borski.

They were followed, McMonagle noted, by pro-choice Democrats Joe Hoeffel and Allyson Schwartz. McMonagle pointed out that Boyle was pro-life while a state representative but McMonagle said he switched his view to help him win the 2014 congressional primary.

McMonagle said the pro-life community is happy that abortions are down at the Planned Parenthood facility on Comly Road.

Now, he hopes Boyle returns to his pro-life position. He referenced two prominent figures – Ronald Reagan and former U.S. Sen. Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania – who switched their views on abortion to the pro-life position. ••

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