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Letters to the Editor

Be an ambassador

Everyday, Americans are seeing how important it is to unite behind efforts to support American workers and the businesses that employ them.

As we continue our campaign, everyone is asked to be an ambassador for American Made and consider the following points:

• Innovation: America was the home of innovation for more than two centuries. Tens of thousands of products were invented and manufactured in America. Today, America’s private sector businesses have the power to restore millions of new jobs. It’s time for national elected leaders and business leaders to show us what can be accomplished when all levels of leadership work together.

• Technology: Is there a reason why Americans can’t produce competitive products of every type and help restore America’s industries and jobs now?

• Skilled workers: Businesses need to speak up to the public about the exact type of skilled workers they need for America’s industries now and in the future. Parents also need to make it known to local school boards that they want the full restoration of the trade and technology programs in the majority of America’s public schools, which is the key to more jobs in the United States of America.

• Every American needs to speak up where they shop and encourage businesses to seek out American-made products from their suppliers. There are more American-made products available in the United States, but they are not promoted because product merchandisers make more profits from imported items.

Working together, we are helping one another and America’s future. Thanks for spreading the word. Email your suggestions to [email protected].

Michael Blichasz


Traffic jam

It is my understanding that the state Department of Transportation and the Southeastern  Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) are planning to reduce the four lanes on Castor  Avenue to two lanes. One lane in each direction between Cottman Avenue and Oxford Circle. This is supposed to make it easier for traffic to make left turns onto side streets from Castor Avenue by creating left-turn lanes.  

Reducing Castor Avenue to one lane in each direction will create more problems than it will  solve. It will increase traffic congestion by reducing four lanes to two lanes; traffic won’t be able to get around cars parking and double-parked cars; traffic won’t be able to get around buses; and when buses break down, it will cause further congestion, gridlock and chaos. It would be much easier and cheaper to install “a left-turn green arrow,” which can be  incorporated into the existing traffic light system.

The negatives of this proposed project far outweigh the positives. The whole idea is ridiculous. It is my understanding that this project will cost taxpayers approximately $20 million. This is a terrible waste of taxpayer money.  

We can’t just sit on our hands. We need to contact our City Council representatives and tell  them that we don’t want this project. There will be a meeting to discuss the Castor Avenue  project on Saturday, March 30, from 9 to 11 a.m. at 6434-36 Castor Ave. You can also contact Take Back Your Neighborhood at 6727 Eastwood St., Philadelphia, PA 19149. In addition, for more information, contact Robert Rudnitsky at 215-432-4875 or [email protected].  

He is fighting this project and knows a great deal about it.

John Palmer

Castor Gardens

Biden’s predecessor

How many lies must we live through. All he screams for is to close the border. Biden has given him that. He said no. Why is he against background checks? Because he is arming all his crazy people. He’s against women’s rights. The most outrageous thing is he compares all the laws he has broken in our country he is being charged with to what the black slaves are still going through. I wonder if there are any blacks who believe that, in his words, he will be a dictator on day one. When his buddy Putin attacked a free country Ukraine, he called him a genius. He is for other dictators like North Korea, Iran, China. They are his idols. If he wins, he will destroy democracy and our Constitution. Is that what we want in our free country? You can decide that in November.

Rus Slawter Sr.


Biden’s predecessor

He stated, I’ll only be a dictator on the first day

Guaranteed whatever happens will naturally evolve his way.

First, declare martial law. That will be his acknowledged best

This will put every ounce of dissension to rest.

Policy and leadership positions will only be his cronies

“Yes men” at their best. No doubt a total bunch of phonies. 

He’ll build a Secret Service of brainless, clueless and gullible 

Gorillas who will be totally devoid of being caring or lovable. 

His MAGA mob will follow like sheep and find

much camaraderie as all will be of equal mind.

He will never let pertinent facts cloud his every decree

Most First Amendment rights no longer will we see.

This DJ spins only misinformation and lies

And attracts only the frightened mindless flies.

Please wake up, dear citizens, of every rank and file

‘Cause every MAGA member practices daily screaming (hail victory) zeik heil.

Ron Farbman
