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Flea market on Saturday

Tacony Baptist Church, 4715 Disston St., will host a flea market on Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds benefit the church. ••

Shredding event Saturday

State Rep. Anthony Bellmon will hold a shredding event on Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6401 Martins Mill Road. Remain in your vehicles and follow the flow of traffic. Place bags in your trunk for easy removal by staff. Two large bags per person. No liquids, binders or staples. Call 215-560-1315. ••

Shredding event May 11

State Reps. Jared Solomon and Anthony Bellmon will host an e-waste and shredding event on Saturday, May 11, from 9 to 11 a.m. outside Solomon’s office at 6434 Castor Ave. The truck will be behind the building in the parking lot. Call 215-560-1315. ••

Free Boys Choir concert

The Philadelphia Boys Choir will perform a free concert on Saturday, May 18, at the Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6401 Martins Mill Road. The concert will start at 2 p.m. in the social hall. There is parking on campus. All are welcome. ••

Learn to make Mother’s Day brooch

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., will host a Mother’s Day Brooch Craft program on Monday, May 6, at 5:30 p.m. Expert craft maker Pam Thomas will help you make a great YO-YO fabric brooch for Mother’s Day. Supplies provided. All ages welcomed. Pre-registration is required. Call 215-685-8756 to register. ••

Book discussion at library

Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave., will host Book Discussion: True Biz on Thursday, May 2, at 11 a.m. True Biz, this year’s One Book, One Philadelphia selection, is a novel following students of the fictional River Valley School for the Deaf. Free copies of the book to keep are available to pick up at the library. Call 215-685-0472 or stop by to claim your copy.

The Chair Yoga series will continue Wednesday mornings at 10:10 a.m. until May 22.

An Art Journal program for adults will take place on Friday, May 3, at 10:30 a.m. All supplies will be provided. ••

2 programs at library

Katharine Drexel Library, 11099 Knights Road, will host Story Adventure on Thursday, May 2, at 10:30 a.m. There will be puppets, movement, instruments and costumes. It’s for preschoolers ages 2-5 accompanied by an adult. Call 215-685-9383. ••

Program on American short stories

American short stories will be the subject of a new six-part program for active adults to be held at KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., beginning on Thursday, May 2. The public is invited to join with members. In addition to May 2, programs will be conducted on May 9, 16, 23 and 30 and June 6. Starting times will be 10:30 a.m. for all six programs. For this program, students should have a copy of 100 Years Of The Best American Short Stories edited by Lorrie Moore and Heidi Pitlor published in 2015. Participants should read the stories before attending the programs. Cost of the program is $36 per person for all six sessions. Money is due at the KleinLife front desk prior to beginning the program. Call 215-698-7300, Ext. 193. ••

Anniversary luncheon

Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai, 4301 Tyson Ave., continues to hold religious services every Friday night on Zoom. The synagogue will be celebrating its 99th anniversary at Randi’s Restaurant on Sunday, May 5, at noon. All present and past members are welcome for a sit-down luncheon. The cost is $54 per person. Call 215-624-9130. ••

Charity fashion show

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is running a fashion show, Couture For The Cure, on Sunday, May 5, at Spring Mill Manor, 171 Jacksonville Road, Ivyland. The cost is $68 and includes full-course lunch and fashion show. There will be raffles, boutiques and jewelry and craft vendors. BOC Productions will present Fashions from Marlene’s of Collingswood, New Jersey. Doors open at 10 a.m. for shopping. Lunch will start at 12:30 p.m. Call Lorraine at 610-277-3631 for tickets. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Vendors wanted

A flea market will take place on May 4, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Pennypack Woods Community Center, 8724 Crispin St. Vendor tables cost $25. Call 215-331-5828. ••

Recovery resource fair

Holy Family University, 9801 Frankford Ave., will host its second annual Collegiate Recovery Event Program and Resource Fair on Saturday, May 4. The free event is open to the public and will be held in the Campus Center gymnasium from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Faculty member Patrick McElwaine will serve as the keynote speaker, presenting Dear Recovery, You Saved My Life at 11:30 a.m. Nicholas Emeigh, the associate executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Bucks County, will moderate a panel discussion, featuring area addiction and recovery experts. Area centers dedicated to addiction and mental health counseling will offer information and resources. ••

Penny party at All Saints

All Saints Episcopal Church, 1811 Loney St., will host its annual penny party on May 4, from 2-6 p.m. Refreshments will be for sale, and bingo is $1 a game. ••

Learn about Bess Myerson

Learn about the life of Bess Myerson, the only Jewish Miss America, at Congregations of Shaare Shamayim Sisterhood’s High Tea, on Thursday, May 9, at 1 p.m. at 9768 Verree Road.  The afternoon will begin with a luncheon that includes high tea sandwiches and a variety of desserts. Maxine Goldman will present the program. Send your check for $36, made out to CSS Sisterhood, with High Tea on the memo line, to the CSS office at the address above. Call 215-677-1600. ••

Celebrate Yiddish

Kim Reddin Yiddish with Maxine Goldman is a joint venture program by Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia and Congregations of Shaare Shamayim. The group’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 8, at 11 a.m. at CSS, 9768 Verree Road. A light snack will be served. Call 215-677-1600. ••

History meeting

The Northeast Philadelphia History Network will meet on Wednesday, May 1, at 7 p.m. at Pennepack Baptist Meetinghouse, 8732 Krewstown Road. The topic will be Tacony’s Keystone Scientific & Literary Association. The speaker will be Suzin Weber. ••

Tacony history society meeting

The spring general membership meeting of the Historical Society of Tacony will be held on Monday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Innocents Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, 7001 Torresdale Ave. A slide presentation will be featured about one of the most prominent residents of early Tacony, Thomas W. South. Find out how the collection that bears his name came into the possession of the Historical Society and why, upon his death in 1922, he was referred to as the “Father of Tacony.” Light refreshments will be served. ••

Free retreat for women vets

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host This Fragment of Hope: A Retreat Day for Women Veterans, on Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is no cost. Call 215-934-6206 or visit cranaleith.org. ••

Settlement Music to celebrate

Settlement Music School will hold its 116th anniversary gala on May 4 at 6:30 p.m. at 2300 Arena, 2300 S. Swanson St. The theme is Art Sparks. There will be music, food, dancing to the band Snacktime and a celebration of the work of the Kardon Center for Arts Therapy.

To donate, go to settlementmusic.org/give-now/annual-gala/

To enter the raffle and auction, visit settlementmusic.org/raffle ••

Donate blood

The American Red Cross is encouraging people to donate blood. The Northeast Philadelphia Blood Donation Center, 1401 Rhawn St., is open Monday-Wednesday, 11:45 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday, 10:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and Friday-Sunday, 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Other dates are May 4, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Fox Chase Recreation Center, 7901 Ridgeway St.; and May 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, 1009 Unruh Ave.

Schedule an appointment to give blood by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 800-RED CROSS. ••

Opera performance on Sunday

Amici Opera Company will present Debussy’s Pelleas & Melisande at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer, 1128 Cottman Ave., on Sunday, May 5, at 3 p.m. Call 215-224-0257 or visit the Amici Opera Company page on Facebook. ••

Debate over judicial nominee

A group of Democratic state and local elected officials issued a statement urging the U.S. Senate to move forward with considering President Joe Biden’s nominee, Adeel Mangi, to the Philadelphia-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. If confirmed, Mangi would become the first Muslim American to serve on a federal appeals court.

Issuing the statement were state Reps. Tarik Khan, Arvind Venkat, Patty Kim and Jason Dawkins, state Sens. Nikil Saval and Sharif Street, Montgomery County Commissioner Neil Makhija and City Councilwoman Nina Ahmad.

They wrote, “Mr. Mangi is an excellent candidate and highly qualified individual whose nomination is now at risk due to a right-wing smear campaign tainted with Islamophobic rhetoric and outright lies. We are extremely disturbed that the nomination of a highly qualified judicial nominee would be in doubt because of the fact he is Muslim.”

Mangi will likely not be confirmed, as Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin, Jacky Rosen and Catherine Cortez Masto are opposed.

Some law enforcement groups are also opposed, citing Mangi’s affiliation with the Alliance of Families for Justice, a prison reform organization that has advocated for the release of some cop killers. ••

Line dancing every Monday

KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., has a new free line dancing program every Monday at 12:30 p.m. The program is being run by Steven Mesh, owner of Spotlight Dance Center. Call 215-698-7300, Ext. 193. ••

Cooking class

Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave., will host Cooking with Ms. Keisha aka Mobile Cooking Teacher on Thursday, May 9, at 10:30 a.m. The class will be taught by ServSafe certified chef Keisha Prosser. The menu will be ravioli with turkey meat sauce mixed salad with homemade sweet vinaigrette dressing. ••

St. Hubert headed to A.C.

St. Hubert will hold its ninth annual summer fun day trip on Monday, June 17. A bus will depart the school, 7320 Torresdale Ave., at 8:45 a.m. and arrive back about 9 p.m. There will be a one-hour ride on an Atlantic City-based cruise ship and a four-hour stay at Resorts Casino, with $15 back in slot cash and a $15 food voucher. There will be a sit-down dinner and complimentary wine tasting at Tomasello Winery. The cost is $115, due by May 1. Contact Mary Clifford at 267-231-7367 or [email protected]. ••

St. Jerome Seniors to meet

Upcoming St. Jerome Seniors meetings are on Thursdays, May 9 and 23 in the school hall, 3031 Stamford St. Arrive by 10 a.m. Meeting begins promptly at 11. ••

Yoga series at Cranaleith

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra, a six-week series, on Fridays, from May 3 to June 7, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per class. Call 215-934-6206 or visit cranaleith.org. ••

Flea market at Delaire

Delaire Landing, 9355 State Road, will host a flea market on Saturday, June 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. All are invited. Parking is available in the lot near the tennis courts. The cost per spot is $10. Anyone interested can email [email protected]. ••

Nature poetry workshop

Poet Diane Sahms will conduct a nature poetry workshop at Pennypack Environmental Center, 8600A Verree Road, on May 15, from 7-9 p.m. Attendance is limited to 10 participants. For more information on the workshop and to register, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/s/nature-poetry-workshop-w-diane/349002997628478/ ••

Free Mother’s Day play

Redemption Lutheran Church, 8001 Bustleton Ave., invites the public to a Mother’s Day celebration on Friday, May 10. The church will present Love, Loss and What I Wore by Nora and Delia Ephron. The show begins at 7 p.m. A free will offering will be taken to benefit the ministries of the church. The play is recommended for ages 13 and up. ••

Nursery school reunion

For more than 20 years, Miss Sandy and Miss Maria have taught preschool at Redemption Lutheran Church, 8001 Bustleton Ave. They are retiring at the end of the school year. A special worship service will be held on Sunday, May 19, at 10 a.m. to honor their work. A pot luck lunch will follow. All former students are welcome to attend and bring a covered dish to share, if they want. ••

Millbrook Civic to meet

Millbrook Civic Association will meet on June 25, at 7 p.m., at the Calvary Athletic Association clubhouse, 4330 Deerpath Lane. Future meetings will be on Sept. 24, Oct. 29 and Nov. 26. For more information, email [email protected] ••

Support police survivors lunch

FOP Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road, will host the annual Survivors’ Fund event on Saturday, May 18, from 3-7 p.m. For more information, call 215-629-3602. ••

Sunday flea market returns

A flea market will take place every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through November at Liberty Plaza, 90 Franklin Mills Blvd. (near Knights Road). The cost for vendors is $30 per parking space. For more information, call 215-625-FLEA (3532) or visit PhilaFleaMarkets.org. ••

Learn circus skills

Katharine Drexel Library, 11099 Knights Road, will host an interactive circus on Tuesday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m. Learn how to juggle, balance feathers, spin lassos and more with the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts. The program is for children of all ages. Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult. Call 215-685-9383. ••

Meet the animals

Katharine Drexel Library, 11099 Knights Road, will host Who Lives Where on Tuesday, June 4, at 5:30 p.m. Meet animals from the Center for Aquatic Sciences. Learn about the best habitats and resources needed to survive in the wild. All ages are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 215-685-9383. ••

3 upcoming trips

The Maternity BVM Seniors Group has three upcoming trips. The group will attend a tribute to the Platters at the Tropicana in Atlantic City on Monday, June 17. The cost is $70. The group will travel to Lancaster on Thursday, Dec. 12, for a luncheon and the show Joy to the World at the American Music Theatre. For information on both trips, call 215-338-9141.

There is a trip to the Smoky Mountain Show (Dollywood) from Oct. 7-12. For more information, call 215-964-7125 ••

Entertainment at Parx

Parx Casino is offering the following upcoming entertainment:

May 11: Tracy Morgan; May 17: Femmes of Rock; May 18: Sebastian Bach; May 31: Reik; June 1: Joss Stone; June 14: Almost Queen, a tribute to Queen; June 21: Corinne Bailey Rae; July 13: Clay Walker; Aug. 3: Tyler Henry, The Hollywood Medium; Aug. 10: Dylan Scott; Sept. 7: Australian Pink Floyd; Nov. 21: Aaron Lewis; and Nov. 23: Steve Trevino. ••

Bus trip to Lancaster County

St. William Travel is planning a trip to Lancaster County on June 20. There will be a Magic & Wonder Theater show, buffet lunch at Shady Maple, round trip by motorcoach, with all taxes and gratuities included. The cost is $120. Bus departs from Gloria Dei Estates, 1304 Rhawn St., at 9:15 a.m. and returns 6:15 p.m. Check or money order payable to St. William Travel can be sent c/o 206 Benner St., Philadelphia, PA 19111. Call 215-745-7199. ••

Bingo at Cannstatter’s

Bingo is played every Thursday at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 6:30. Call 215-322-0121. ••

Support for Parkinson’s

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus hosts a Parkinson’s Disease Support Group on the second Wednesday of every other month. The meetings will take place from 5-6 p.m. at the Cheltenham Friends Meetinghouse, 7604 Central Ave. The group is led by nurse practitioner June Ro and attended by guest speakers, patients and caregivers.

The guest speakers are occupational therapist Diana Parkinson (June 12); Dr. Nancy Minniti, a neuropsychologist (Aug. 14); Dr. Molly Cincotta, a neurologist (Oct. 9); and social worker Luisa Enriquez (Dec. 11).

To register, contact June Ro at 215-707-2619 or [email protected]. ••

2 senior trips

St. Katherine of Siena Primrose senior club is running two trips.

The first trip will be on Tuesday, May 14, to Lancaster to see Mystery, a variety magic show featuring illusionist John Brett Myers, at Magic & Wonder Theater. The cost is $130 and includes a buffet lunch at Miller’s restaurant.

The second trip will be on Friday, June 21, to Shawnee Playhouse for a sit-down luncheon and the musical My Fair Lady. The cost is $110.

Call Catherine Murphy at 215-919-4399 for reservations. ••

Bingo at Loudenslager

Corp. John Loudenslager American Legion Post 366, 7976 Oxford Ave., is offering community bingo every second and fourth Friday evenings. Doors open at 6 p.m. There are dollar hot dogs and free popcorn and refreshments. ••

Trip to winery

St. Hilary Travels is going to Tomasello Winery on Sunday, May 19, for the Totally Tenors Opera Gala featuring arias, songs, contemporary classics and a meal consisting of salad, soup, bread, butter, entrée and dessert. A motorcoach will depart at 12:30 p.m. at Verree Road and Solly Avenue and return at about 7 or 7:30. The cost is $120, with check or money order to St. Hilary Travels, Attn: Trips, 820 Susquehanna Road, Rydal, PA 19046. ••

VFW looking for members

Bustleton-Somerton/CTR1 Michael J. Strange VFW Post 6617 meets on the third Wednesday of every month at American Legion Post 810, 9151 Old Newtown Road. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. If you are a military veteran who served in a designated combat zone, you are eligible to join the VFW. Call Commander Israel Wolmark at 215-725-0630 if you would like to join the post. ••

Ryan ’74 reunion

The Archbishop Ryan High School Class of 1974 will celebrate its 50th reunion on Friday, May 31, from 7-11 p.m., at the Southampton Room, 2980 Southampton Road. For tickets or more information, go to https://www.arhs.me/update ••

Bus trip and lunch

The Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation is sponsoring a bus trip on Friday, June 21, to the Morris Arboretum & Gardens and “Cliveden,” a National Trust Historic Site and the site of the 1777 Battle of Germantown. A 3-course luncheon will be served at Brittingham’s of Lafayette Hill. The all-inclusive cost is $150. For a flyer and reservation form, call 215-788-9408. Reservations close on April 17. ••

Support Michael Strange Foundation

The public is invited to attend two events held by the Michael Strange Foundation. On June 15, from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m., at American Legion Post, 9151 Old Newtown Road, there will be a live band, food and music. On June 16, from noon to 4 p.m., at the Parx horse racing track, third floor, Gold Star families will be on hand. Requested donations for each event are $40 per person. U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Michael Strange, a Wissinoming native and 2004 North Catholic graduate, died in 2011 of wounds caused when the CH-47 Chinook helicopter he was aboard crashed in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. He was 25. ••

Musical show in June

Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, will present John Monforto’s The Man of Many Faces, on Sunday, June 2. Lunch will be at 2 p.m., followed by the performance at 3:30. Monforto is a singer, actor, impressionist, comedian, writer and emcee. The cost is $54, payable to CSS and mailed to the office at the above address. Call 215-677-1600. ••

Trip to Northern Europe

The Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation is presenting a Northern Europe: Iceland, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and London cruise, July 25 to Aug. 4, aboard the new “Norwegian Prima.” Rates per person are $6,261 and $6,495, which include roundtrip airfare from Philadelphia. Deposit of $350 per person double occupancy is required when booking. Call 215-788-9408. ••

Anniversary celebration

Valley Christian School, 2364 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, will host Valley Fest on Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will be a celebration of the school’s 50th anniversary. There will be children’s activities, food, vendors, giveaways and music. ••

Bluegrass-classical music

The nonprofit Lyra Society will host Harp’N Hoedown, an anniversary celebration, on Wednesday, May 15, from 6-9 p.m., at BLDG39 at the Frankford Arsenal, 5401 Tacony St. The Lyra Society provides harps, harp lessons and harp presentations at no cost to School District of Philadelphia students. Performances will include a live bluegrass-classical band featuring musicians from the Philadelphia Orchestra. Tickets are available for purchase at https://lyrasociety.org/twenty ••

See performance of Anything Goes

The Star Players, of the city Department of Parks and Recreation, will present Cole Porter’s Anything Goes on May 31 and June 1-2 at 7 p.m. at Venice Island Performing Arts Center, at 7 Lock St. in Manayunk. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Group rates are available. Tickets are available on Venmo @TheStarplayers or at the Holmesburg Recreation Center, 4500 Rhawn St. For more information, call director Bill Arthur at 215-685-8714, like the group’s Facebook page, follow the group on Twitter @starplayersPPR or email [email protected]. ••

Vacation Bible School

Memorial Presbyterian Church of Fox Chase, 7902 Oxford Ave., is hosting a free Vacation Bible School called “Camp Firelight.” The program will run from July 29 through Aug. 2, from 9 a.m. to noon. All children ages 4 to sixth grade are welcome to join. Register at myvbs.org/mpcfc or call 215-745-2844. ••

Ukrainian Folk Festival in August

The Ukrainian Folk Festival will take place on Sunday, Aug. 25, from noon to 8 p.m., at the Ukrainian American Sport Center — Tryzub, County Line and Lower State roads, Horsham.

There will be Ukrainian folk art, music, dance, crafts and historical reenactments, a variety of food and refreshments and a vendors grove. Admission is $15, and a portion will be donated to relief of war victims in Ukraine. Kids under 15 will be admitted free. Parking is free. Call 267-664-3857, email [email protected] or visit www.tryzub.org. ••

Find inner peace and confidence

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host Beauty Will Save the World: The Wisdom of Creativity, on Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is $53, which includes lunch. Call 215-934-6206 or visit cranaleith.org. ••

Unwind from stress

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host Zentangle: A Meditative Art (Butterfly Mandala Tangle), on Sunday, May 19, from 2-4 p.m. The cost is $25. Call 215-934-6206 or visit cranaleith.org. ••

Kids Fest on June 1

State Sen. Jimmy Dillon, Rep. Pat Gallagher and City Councilman Mike Driscoll invite the community to Kids Fest on Saturday, June 1, from 2-5 p.m. at Torresdale Boys Club, 4500 Linden Ave. There will be food, family resources and kid-friendly games and activities. Call 215-695-1020. ••

Polka party

The Associated Polish Home, 9150 Academy Road, will host its sixth annual polka party on Saturday, May 19, from 3-7 p.m. The cost is $20 and includes music by TKO Band, a Polish kitchen and cash bar. For information and reservations, call 215-906-1825 or email [email protected]. ••

2-day rummage sale

Presentation BVM will host a rummage sale on Friday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in its church hall, Woodland Avenue and Old Soldiers Road, Cheltenham. The event will include bag sales. Call 215-379-1364. ••

Car show and more

American Heritage Credit Union and BIG 98.1 will host the 20th annual car show and member appreciation day on May 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at AHCU headquarters at 2060 Red Lion Road. The free event is open to the community. All proceeds from will support the Kids-N-Hope Foundation. There will be craft vendors, food trucks, inflatables, a petting zoo, a clown and best-of-show car trophies.To register your car or car club for the show, visit AHCU.co/CarShow ••

Summer, after-school programs

Applications are open for The College of Physicians of Philadelphia’s George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program, a summer and after-school program for high school students interested in healthcare and medicine. The program is open to students who are currently freshmen who will be the first in their family to graduate from college, qualify for free or reduced-price school lunch and have no disciplinary problems on their school record.

Apply at Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program | The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

The year-long STEM Internship Program is aimed at Philadelphia high school students directly affected by violence who want to make a difference in their communities. The students explore the impact violence has on them and their communities, while improving their understanding of science, technology and medicine. There is a four-week summer internship in July and an after-school program once a week throughout the school year. The program is open to current sophomores and juniors (entering 11th or 12th grade in fall 2024) enrolled in a Philadelphia public or charter school.

Apply at STEM Internship | The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

There is no cost to apply or participate in the programs.

Learn more at https://collegeofphysicians.org/programs. ••

Events at Ryerss

Ryerss Museum & Library, 7370 Central Ave., in Burholme Park, will offer the following programs this month: Friday, May 3, 1-3 p.m., Genealogy Group; Friday, May 10, 1-3 p.m., Fibercraft Friends; Saturday, May 11, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Storytime: Animal Mothers; Sunday, May 12, 1 p.m., Anime & Manga Club: Haruto; Friday, May 17, 1-3 p.m., Book Club: Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger; Saturday, May 18, 1-3 p.m., Ancient Cultures with Glencairn Museum (for kids 7-12, tickets at https://bit.ly/AncientCulturesatRyerss); Friday, May 24, 1-3 p.m., Fibercraft Friends; Saturday, May 25, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Storytime: Let’s Have a Parade. ••

Fatima Holy Hour for World Peace

The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring a Fatima Holy Hour for World Peace on Monday, May 12, at 7 p.m. at St. Martin of Tours Church, Cheltenham Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard. Devotions include rosary and benediction. There will be a procession and crowning of the Fatima Statue. All are welcome. ••

Fatima Holy Hour

The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring a Fatima Holy Hour for World Peace and an end to the pandemic on Sunday, June 13, at 7 p.m. at St. Katherine of Siena Church, 9700 Frankford Ave. Devotions include rosary and benediction. ••

O’Neill’s upcoming events

City Councilman Brian O’Neill will host three events on upcoming Saturdays, all from 9-11 a.m. at his district offices. There will be an e-cycle event at 1701 Bowler St. (at Bustleton Avenue) on May 18. A shredding event, sponsored by the Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, will take place on June 1 at FOP Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road. There will be a recycle bucket giveaway on June 8 at 432 Rhawn St. in Fox Chase, behind American Heritage Credit Union. ••

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