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Letters to the Editor

An idea for a new store

Having a magazines, newspapers, dictionaries and thesauruses store makes good sense because monthly magazines and daily newspapers can be bought there as well as accredited dictionaries and thesauruses. Also, to provide a separate section to sell clear-coated paper maps.

Right along Roosevelt Boulevard, where there are large shopping centers, a beneficial addition would be to test out this new store.

Inside the store for easier access would be an adult section and a youth section, having magazines in one location and newspapers in a second location.

Also, a third section would be of great value, to sell accredited dictionaries and thesauruses in regular print and in large print.

Also, selling in a fourth section, clear-coated paper maps that can be folded down when not in use. That would be commendable. Of course, plain paper maps would not be sold because paper maps tear so easily.

Testing out this new type of store in one of the shopping centers alongside Roosevelt Boulevard would be 100% beneficial to customers as a one-stop store location. Beneficial to customers because the concentration is on selling magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, thesauruses and clear-coated maps.

Ann DAlessandro


Lady Justice loses her blindfold

We have all witnessed history when a former and potentially future president of the United States faced the first-ever political trial in United States history. There is a lot of talk of none being “above the law,” but let’s examine who seems to be above the law in hindsight. FBI Director James Comey declared that Hillary Clinton was extremely careless in her handling of classified information. There were no charges filed. William Jefferson Clinton paid off a sexual harassment accuser $800,000 USD, which is around $1.2 million in today’s rate. No charges were filed. It seems that Donald Trump is guilty of the most heinous of all, which is being Donald Trump. Americans are not stupid and all news outlets still are making the same mistakes from 2016. When the same “crime” can be photocopied 33 times and then charged to make headlines across the nation and world we all must ask ourselves – is this who we have become? Our American Brand is deterring across the globe and this dark moment in American history won’t be soon forgotten.

Americans are not blind to what is occurring and losing faith in our most trusted institutions, if we are going to start prosecuting folks based on political alignment and viewpoints. We need to prosecute all and banish selective prosecutions now and forever.

John Peter Zadzura 

South Philadelphia

Dangerous driving

Philadelphia has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country. Why do you think that is, Tom McCarey? Is it because of the “uninformed” drivers who think STOP means step on it? Or how about those who see a red light and don’t bother to slow down or much less stop? I have driven and walked in Philly for many years, Tom McCarey, and I can say you have no idea how dangerous it is here because of those uninformed drivers. So come to Philly sometime, Tom, and don’t forget to bring your “please stop for me if you feel like it” sign. Do they have those in Berwyn?

Mark S. Ritter


Pointing people in the right direction

Every time we discuss ways to support jobs in America, we discuss the benefits of more jobs and job skills to improve America’s economy in which we want everyone to thrive.

For years we have urged our supporters to seek out products made and assembled in the United States of America. We also continue to urge educators and parents to request the expansion of the “Trades & Industrial Arts” programs in all America’s schools so businesses have a growing number of graduates with the hands-on experience desperately needed by America’s industries. We promoted the fact that America’s students are the future of our great country and that we need them to be ready and able to present new ideas and inventions that will create new product lines to spur new job opportunities for American workers.

On any given day, dozens of advertisements come before us for products that are not made in America. Foreign companies are not concerned about the loss of American customers because they know they have very few American-made competitors. Until there are more businesses operating and manufacturing goods in America with the “Made in the U.S.A.” label, businesses overseas will continue to regard America simply as a place to sell their products.

The “Buy American Made Campaign” always seeks to point consumers in the direction of purchasing products made and assembled in the United States of America. The Made in America label immediately lets customers know the items they are looking to purchase will benefit businesses in America and many levels of American workers.

You are encouraged to support your local businesses throughout the year and go out of your way to shop local during National Small Business Weekend, which takes place the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every month. For more information visit: NationalSmallBusinessWeekend.com.

Thanks for your assistance and for spreading the word to others.

Michael Blichasz
