HomeNewsCongrats, Judge Class of '24

Congrats, Judge Class of ’24

Below is a list of the graduates in the Father Judge High School Class of 2024.

Father Judge graduated last Wednesday at the school.

The baccalaureate Mass was held last Tuesday at St. Timothy.

Michael John Anderson III

Nymeir Joseph Appling

Robert Thomas Augustyn

William R. Barrera

Walter Lee Bartle

John Thomas Beck

Nicholas Adam Benrahou

Nicholas Thomas Berry

Joseph Angelo Blake

Luke Seraffino Brandi

Roger Manuel Brito

Sean Patrick Broderick

Declan P. Brown

Michael Browning

Laquan Byrd

Nicholas Carey

Anthony Scott Casper

Kevin Castro

Justin M. Cheeseman

Abou Cherif

Moussa Cherif

Justin Cheung

Aidan K. Childs

Andrew John Clemens

Tyler Conley

Christopher R. Coulter

Thomas Joseph Cunningham

Philip Joseph D’Aloia

Daniel Dabrowski

Ryan D. Dalesandro

Brian Delgado

Matthew Anthony DiCicco

Nathaniel Dixon

Frank Do

Daniel Thomas Dooley

Denzel Diezi Dunbar

Mark Patrick Eddis

Christian Jacob Eroh

Brian Paul Ferraro

Brady Patrick Finn

Dylan Fitzgibbon

Adam Fitzmartin

Brian Kane Foley

Ignatius Edward Forrest

Joseph Peter Fritz

Edward John Gallagher

Michael David Gallagher

Sean Michael Gallagher

Christian Geiger

Peter James Gerace

Kevin Gereaghty

Kevin Robert Getley

Jacob Gizzi

Sean Gizzi

Thomas Gonglik

Ryan Gregory Grabfelder

Timothy Francis Gress

Ayden David Hagan

Joseph Hare

Seamus Hart

Shane M. Hayes

Brayden Henes

Bryan A. Horger

Colin Jacob Howell

Xzavier Irfan

Nigel Isaac

Ian James Johnson

Daniel Edward Kane

Seth James Keenan

Aiden Nicholas Kelley

Shane Joseph Kilbride

Liam Joseph Kirkwood

Logan Klose

Kevin Ryan Knecht

Nicholas Andrew Kolodij

Daniel Patrick Krause

Gavin E. Lamb

Dominic LaSpina

Vincenzo LaSpina

Jason LeBold

Richard Mason Lee

Anthony Nicholas Lilly

Michael John Livewell

Charles Raymond Lloyd

Matthew Joseph Macauley

Devon Joseph Mallon

Anthony McBride

James McGinley

Liam M. McGuckin

Jameson Thomas McKenna

Ricardo Melendez

Shawn Patrick Miller

Mathieu Scott Morawski

Michael James Murray

Sean Patrick Musial

Cameron Myers

Colin Joseph Myers

Nicholas Gabriel Nardino

Joseph Patrick O’Brien

James Joseph Peak

Victor Jumbo Perez

Malcolm Baxter Peterson

Aidan P. Phillips

Logan Thomas Phy

David Gerald Picariello

Nicholas A. Pignotti

Dane A. Pizzaro

Lucas Sebastian Pizzichini

Christopher M. Quiles

Justin Tyler Rafter

Timothy Joseph Rauch

Patrick Reilly

Vincent James Riccobono

Michael Sean Rocks

David Rodriguez

Jonathan I. Rodriguez

Elgin Anthony Rogers

Nathan Rosenberg

Christopher Anthony Roy

Joseph Francis Roy

Ryan Michael Rue

Michael Joseph Russo

Ryan C. Saint-Fleur

Lammuel Salvaiz Saroea

Shane Francis Schaffling

James Charles Schaible

Matthew David Scheidler

Matthew W. Scott

Joseph George Seeger

James Douglas Shensky

Owen Sherwin

Michael Joseph Skierski

Dennison Varney Slanger

Edward Thomas Slegel

Aidan Jack Slook

Jason Nicholas Smaron

John Ryan Smink

Colin M. Smith

Eric Tyree Smith

Evan Patrick Smith

Matthew Smith

Michael James Snyder

Calvin C.I. Starks-Walden

Shawn Patrick Stevens

Braidon Alexander Storace

John Joseph Trask

Noah J. Trioli

Tony Veliu

Nicholas Verello

Joseph J. Walker

Jamie Wermuth Jr.

Quinn Robert Whalen

Aidan Patrick White

Jayden Parrish White

George James Whitfield

James Christopher Williams

Zachary John Williams

Jack Logan Yeager

Tyler Stephen Yerkov

Owen Zidow

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