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Letters to the Editor

Cancel CCA Baldi

The School District of Philadelphia has renamed schools that had been named after racists, e.g. Woodrow Wilson Middle School is now Castor Gardens, etc. and rightly so. Well, WHYY has recently brought to light that CCA Baldi was an ardent supporter of fascism and friends with Mussolini. Under Mussolini, the Jewish community was treated almost as badly as those who lived under Nazi rule. I request that the school district change the name of the Baldi School.

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Lawrence Chosed


What a shame

At Roosevelt Boulevard and Conwell Avenue, there is a wide-open field. For years, on July 4, someone has set off a wonderful display of fireworks. Then last year, someone called the police, who had to shut it down. There was always a large crowd of people that brought their children to watch. This July 4, the same crowd showed up and got nothing. Obviously, the same complainers must have called again. Why? I guess we should feel sorry for the complainer. They must live a horrible, lonely, disgusting life. Why else would they deprive these kids of something they enjoyed so much.

Rus Slawter


Any Dem but Joe

Joe Biden’s decision to stay in the presidential race at this point is incredibly selfish. He’s risking American democracy for the sake of his ego. I don’t know if Kamala Harris or whoever else would defeat Donald Trump, but I’m confident they have a better chance than an elderly man who can’t reliably form coherent sentences.

Those who argue switching candidates is too risky ignore the fact Biden is currently losing to Trump. We need an energetic candidate to make the case against a would-be fascist. At this late date, I don’t even care who the replacement is. I just know Biden isn’t up to the job. He needs to do the right thing and step aside.

Jon Hochschartner
Granby, Connecticut

Biden, Dems lied to America

I watched the debate along with much of the world and the country. During the debate I saw a calmer, more reserved Donald Trump and a man who couldn’t formulate an argument to defend his own party’s positions against his own opponent.

As the debate concluded all I could do was watch yet again as one candidate walked off the stage and the other guided off what seemed like two stairs. America, you have been lied to. This lie was not only pushed by the very same networks that told us all, “This is the best Biden we have ever seen.” In a true sign of magic all those same networks (MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC) that same night admitted that there is a new cancer on the presidency and that cancer was and still is the lie of Joseph R. Biden has the ability to lead the most powerful nation in the history of the world. 

Top House Democrats are lining up to sharpen the dagger for the president’s back. Joe is being used as a figurehead to lead the country. Who is in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? A close table of advisers who further seek to divide and put Americans in a worse position than we already are. Barry Goldwater was chosen to tell President Nixon that it was over, who will be the person to convince Joe Biden that it is time to retire or else.

John Peter Zadzura

South Philadelphia

Be LBJ, not FDR

After the June debate on CNN, it is now clear that our president has lost more than his “fastball.” Joe Biden is clearly not the Joe Biden of 2020. He is a shell of his former self. He is a walking corpse, just like Woodrow Wilson in 1920 and FDR in 1944-1945.

Yet many historians today see the 2024 Democratic primary as a parallel to the Democratic primary race in 1968. They are wrong. LBJ did the right thing and left the presidential race in March of 1968, well before the August 1968 DNC convention in Chicago.

LBJ withdrew from the 1968 race because of his health, the unrest in the streets in the U.S. and an unpopular war in Vietnam. All of these elements are now present in 2024. Biden’s poor health, migrant unrest and crime in streets in the U.S. and 2 unpopular wars, in Ukraine and Israel. Yet Joe Biden still stays in this race. Why Joe? Why?

LBJ did what was right in 1968. He withdrew from the 1968 race. He put country and party first. He was a patriot. Will Joe Biden do what is right in 2024? Will Joe be LBJ or FDR? No, unfortunately, Mr. Biden is sadly heading down the road of FDR in 1944.

If we reelect this corpse in November, we will also be electing Biden’s untested and unpopular vice president. Will Kamala Harris be up to the challenges that Harry Truman faced in 1945? President Harris? Really?

Joe Biden says he always puts the American people first. Does he? Mr. President, be like LBJ not FDR. Please put country and party first. Be a patriot first and foremost sir, and please leave this race today.

Thank you.

John Farley


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