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Letters to the Editor

Power to the people

I have abstained from sending in letters since I think the world went off its axis and sadly I think the snowball is too far down the hill.

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Take MAGA, Making America Great Again. It is now synonymous with communism, evil and every other derogatory term. Now, it is only Republicans who fall under this category. I would hope that everyone, regardless of your party affiliation, would want to make us Great Again. In my opinion, we can no longer make the claim that we are the greatest country in the world. All of these attacks on MAGA are all about one thing: staying in power. My humble opinion is Biden is not the architect of this strategy. The game plan is being created behind the scenes. I have only a hunch who is calling the shots.

Everywhere I go people are complaining about what is happening in our country. The complaints are varied and cover too many issues to mention. What happens then is the problem: NOTHING. We all go back to our everyday lives and assume we cannot change what we do not control. It is up to us to make it happen. Yet we all go to the polls and pull the lever for the same people and same parties and then expect a change for the better. Not going to happen. If we do not do something soon the snowball will hit the bottom of the hill. We all want a government of, for, by the people. We have to force serious issues to be on the ballot as questions in plain ordinary language so we can get control back to the people. Some questions that I think should be on the ballot.

Do you want term limits with a maximum of 12 years?

Do you want a Balanced Budget Amendment?

Do you want to have powers returned to the states (since the feds are now way past the intent of the Constitution)?

This is just a sample with no pride in authorship. I am on the back nine so this is more important for my family. It is now or maybe never.

Anthony Dello Russo

Fox Chase

J.D. vs. Momala

“We are effectively run in the country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too,” J.D. Vance told Tucker Carlson in 2021.

Hey, Jay-Dee, that’s childless cat lady librarians to you. Also, witches and their familiars. (Current crop of rogue U.S. Supreme Court justices regularly cite Olde English witch trial judges). Can’t wait for that nasty nasty veep debate with Kamala Harris aka “Momala.”

E.T. Friel

Fox Chase

Wake up

Trump’s daily rants preaching violence has come back to roost. Probably less genuflecting to the NRA would help, also. As long as someone of his stature preaches and condones violence, it will never stop. Even when the senators were running and hiding from Trump’s mobs on Jan. 6, it didn’t wake them up. They continue to bow down to the gun lobbies and think it can’t happen to them. Of course, they have no backbone and continue to listen to disgusting Trumpy. Who’s next? And don’t forget the disgusting Republicans who denounced the Capitol police who were trying to protect them. And you can blame low-life Trump for some of it. When are the real Republicans going to wake up and get rid of the radical trash that is taking over the party? Stand up and get a backbone. Remember the old saying, You can trust a thief because you know he is going to steal from you but you can’t trust a liar like Trump.

Vince Mosiniak


American consumer power

America’s consumers are the people who help determine what is sold in America and at the places where we shop. Today, cash register technology provides immediate reports to business owners of what is being sold in their business and what is not being sold.

If an item is being purchased, it is placed on the reorder list so it’s available for future customers. Store owners focus on reordering items that are being sold and take note of products that are not moving. By seeking out American-made items, you are helping determine what will be stocked in the future at the stores where you shop.

The Buy American Made Campaign urges consumers to help ensure that more American-made items are circulated in our stores by letting store owners and store workers know that you are a supporter of American Made and American workers, and you go out of your way to seek out American-made products.

Our message is very basic and has been very effective. It demonstrates that we are working together for the benefit of American workers and the importance of encouraging businesses to expand their operations here in America, where more American-made products are being sold.

The new global economy has brought about a lot of competition, which is good, however, in order to restore jobs in the United States for American workers, America’s consumers need to direct more of our purchasing power to support America’s businesses that have the ability to restore the 50/50 balance between foreign and American-made items.

Thanks for spreading the word. Your participation is very important. Email your suggestions to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


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