HomeNewsBingo raises money for music therapy programs

Bingo raises money for music therapy programs

The Kids-N-Hope Foundation raised around $11,500 during this month’s Purse and Power Tool Bingo event.

Some 160 attendees enjoyed a night of bingo, raffles and time with friends and family all while supporting the Foundation’s mission to fund music therapy programs and other child life services.

“We want to express our sincere gratitude to all our participants and volunteers who came out to support the second bingo event of the year,” said the Foundation’s founder and chairman, Bruce K. Foulke. “We are deeply appreciative to everyone who continues to support the Foundation’s mission to fund local pediatric health and life services, especially music therapy. We look forward to our last bingo event of the year taking place this winter and hope to see everyone there.”

To learn more about the Kids-N-Hope Foundation and its upcoming events, visit www.KidsNHope.org. ••

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