Let’s build 76 Place
The opponents of 76 Place, the Philadelphia 76ers’ planned $1.55 billion basketball arena and mixed-use masterpiece on East Market, are the same myopic people whose lack of vision prevents Philadelphia from ascending to the word-class status we all desire. Why are people so often reluctant to dare? 76 Place represents Philadelphia’s single biggest economic development project in half a century. Mayor Parker believes in transparency. To her credit, the city funded and just released a series of comprehensive, independent studies on the impact – economic and otherwise – of 76 Place. The studies revealed many significant reasons to build the arena, including no cost to taxpayers, thousands of jobs during and after construction, hundreds of millions in annual economic output for the city (including massive tax revenue over 30 years for our cash-strapped school district) and much more. Full disclosure; IBEW Local 98 supports 76 Place because our members construct buildings for a living. 76 Place will create an eye-opening 9,100 direct union construction jobs that will last for a decade. But our support for 76 Place goes beyond our own self-interest. Philadelphia needs 76 Place for its image and positioning as a world-class city. Eighteen of the nation’s Top 20 markets have downtown arenas – not Philly. The loyal 76ers fan base deserves a dazling downtown arena complex that will attract the NBA’s best free agents to the franchise. The many proponents of the project are fortunate to have level-headed elected officials like Mayor Parker, City Council President Kenyatta Johnson and Councilmember Mark Squilla (in whose district 76 Place would reside) heavily involved in the decision-making process. Let’s show the world that Philadelphia truly is a world-class city. Let’s build 76 Place.
Mark Lynch Jr.
Business Manager
IBEW Local 98
Country comes first
In an opinion printed on Aug. 7, Demo is used for democrats. I am not sure if it is a slur, but I will say it was for brevity and use Demos, Pubbos and Indos for Democrats, Republicans and independents. The writer says he asks Demos why they vote for Biden/Harris and they don’t have an answer. Hard to believe; however, I offer an answer as an Indo.
We do not want a sexual predator who has never worked an honest day in his privileged life, who bullies and lies constantly, who behaves like a spoiled, temperamental, selfish 3-year-old, who has no empathy, is a sociopathic pathological liar, is hate-filled and cares about nothing unless there is something in it for him. He was handed a booming economy. It took only two years for him to trash it and throw us into chaos. Trump’s tariffs in 2019 kick-started our economy into inflation. Biden not rescinding those tariffs didn’t help, but Trump is not blameless. It is awful that he was not indicted, convicted and thrown in jail years ago from any of the crimes he committed during the past 50 years; but if someone got away with murder, continues to commit murder and is finally caught & convicted, should we let them go just because they committed previous murders where nothing was done? Trump is a buffoon on the world stage, and would sell out our country in a heartbeat if it benefited him. He diminished our country in the eyes of the entire planet. Kim Jong Un called him a “deranged lunatic” and a “dotard” (old & senile). He has no desire to help citizens, unless they’re rich. He does not want to unite our country, only cause division and hate especially toward anyone who does not worship at the altar of Trump. His penchant to mismanage and lie caused more harm to our country than any previous administration.
Many feel Biden is a lying, conniving phony, but he was the “least-worst.” However, we now have a choice and chance to restore dignity and respect to the office of president as well as our country. If Pubbos are upset about this, they should replace their nominee with someone else. Just please stop pretending that he did anything good for the country. He is a con artist and bilking the American people is his latest and greatest con.
Theresa Minnick
A desire for American-made products
If you are among the millions of people supporting the Buy American Made Campaign, we want you to know how much your participation is appreciated.
Today, with inflation on everything we purchase, the American people are simply tired of experiencing growing bills and empty wallets and agree it’s time to restore competitive industries and job skills of every type here in the United States.
With more Americans speaking up where they shop, at organization meetings, on television and radio programs and in the print media, business owners better understand that their customers can’t make the purchases they did before with the rising cost of inflation. Likewise, political leaders better understand the concerns of their constituents who can’t pay their own expenses so how can they be expected to pay more taxes and be part of a positive economy in America?
The Buy American Made Campaign is not just a lot of talk. It is designed to encourage supporters to speak up everywhere they shop and make sure that business owners and purchasing agents see for themselves that there is a growing wave of change in America and a growing desire for more products to feature Made in America labels.
Wherever you shop, remember that items with “Made in America” labels clearly identify that Americans are employed from the point of production to the point of sale. When the label identifies an item as foreign made, that means that American workers are mainly with sales, shipping and handling jobs. If businesses can work together to expand their product lines in the United States and restore no less than a 50-50 balance between American and foreign-made products, it would be better for all Americans and America’s future.
Thanks for supporting the Buy American Made Campaign. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to [email protected].
Michael Blichasz