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Around Town

Somerton Civic to meet

Somerton Civic Association will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 7 p.m. at the Walker Lodge of the I.O.O.F., 1290 Southampton Road. Several zoning appeals will be discussed at the meeting. ••

Tacony Civic to meet

Tacony Civic Association will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 7 p.m. at Holy Innocents St. Paul Church, at Torresdale and Tyson avenues. ••

2 events at Bustleton Library

Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave., will host PA CareerLink® Job Search Assistance on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 2 p.m. Meet with a Community Workforce Connector for one-on-one job search assistance. Get individualized support with résumé development, career counseling and professional development workshops. Call 833-750-5627 to learn more.

The library will host a visit by the city Department of Public Health on Friday, Sept. 20, at 11 a.m. The health department offers immunizations and health outreach services. Services include providing information on vaccines for all ages and distributing COVID-19 tests, masks and hand sanitizers. The event is free and open to the public. ••

Events at NE Regional

Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., will host the following events:

• Philly Career Launch – Career Exploration Workshop: Wednesday, Sept. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Boxed lunch provided. Free. Registration required. Go to https://libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/141599 for a registration link. 

• Open Computer Lab Time: Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 11 a.m. Stop by the Magazines and Newspapers Department on the third floor. Lab is open until 1:30 p.m.

• The Philadelphia City Commissioner’s Office 2024 Elections Resource: Thursday, Sept. 26, 1-4 p.m. The Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Office will answer your questions regarding how elections work, and how one can become a poll worker or a bilingual interpreter. Flyers promoting these programs will be available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Arabic, Russian, Haitian-Creole and Portuguese. A bilingual Mandarin Chinese representative will be on hand to answer your questions. ••

Programs at NE Regional

Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., offers the following recurring programs:

• Crochet Club, Fridays at 11 a.m. in the second-floor Humanities Department. Bring your own materials.

• Mixed Level English Class, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2-4 p.m. Call 215-685-0522.

• PA CareerLink® Job Search Assistance, Wednesdays, 2 to 4:30 p.m. Call 833-750-5627.

• Chess Club for Adults & Teens, Tuesdays, 4-6 p.m.

• One-on-One Basic Computer Help Appointments, Fridays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 215-685-0525.

• Thursday Computer Help: Various Subjects, Thursdays, 1-2 p.m.

• Gadget Help, Mondays and Wednesdays upon request. Call 215-685-0525.

• Computer Skills for Beginners, Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. Register at 215-474-1235.

• English Conversation Group – Intermediate-plus, Mondays, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Register at 215-474-1235. ••

Impact of elections on labor unions

The Philadelphia Building Trades and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 8 will present The Impact of Elections on Labor Law, Unions and its Members on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the IATSE Ballroom, 2401 S. Swanson St.

Doors open at 4 p.m. The event starts at 5. There will be a watch party afterward for the Phillies vs. Tampa Bay Rays game. Food and drinks will be provided. ••

Outdoor movie Saturday at Max Myers

EMIR Healing Center and Take Back Your Neighborhood will present the free movie Harold and the Purple Crayon on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 5 p.m. outside Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St.

Refreshments will be served. ••

Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic recognized for excellence in stroke care

Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic announce that Nazareth Hospital has been recognized by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association with the Get With The Guidelines®—Stroke award, which recognizes a hospital’s commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines grounded on the latest scientific evidence.

“Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic is dedicated to improving the quality of care for our stroke patients by implementing the Get With The Guidelines-Stroke initiative,” said Christine Falcone, vice president of Quality, Safety and Care Transformation for Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic. “The tools and resources provided help us track and measure our success in meeting evidenced-based clinical guidelines developed to improve patient outcomes.” ••

Firefighters endorse Gill

IAFF Local 22, which represents Philadelphia’s firefighters and paramedics, endorsed Aizaz Gill in the 172nd Legislative District.

In announcing the endorsement, Local 22 President Mike Bresnan said, “Earning the IAFF endorsement is no easy task. At the end of our endorsement process your respect for, and support of, Philadelphia’s firefighters and paramedics became quite clear.”

Local 22 investigates the positions of the candidates and meets with them personally to determine their support of member concerns and issues facing the fire and paramedic communities before deciding on endorsement.

“We believe the people of Northeast Philadelphia would be well-served to have you representing them in Harrisburg – both in working to ensure continued public safety and the rights of our hard-working members, and in addressing other pressing issues facing our community,” Bresnan said.

Gill said, “I am honored to have the support of our firefighters and paramedics, especially since so many of them live in the 172nd District. This endorsement, along with our support from Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 92, sends a message to voters that I will always make public safety my top priority as their representative.” ••

Free fitness program

A new free fitness program is being offered at KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 9:30 a.m. The program is being conducted by Missy Silverman, a health and physical education graduate of Temple University. Contact Andrea Kimelheim at 215-698-7300, Ext. 148 or [email protected]. ••

Landau backs resolutions

City Councilwoman Rue Landau is co-sponsoring a resolution to authorize the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold a hearing examining the progress of Vision Zero’s goals and the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.

Landau is also introducing a resolution urging the Board of Revision of Taxes and the Office of Property Assessment to adopt a policy of accepting all informal and formal property assessment appeals filed for Tax Year 2025 by March 31, 2025. The resolution concerns the impact of rising property assessments, particularly in low-income neighborhoods, and emphasizes the need for fair appeal opportunities, given the short timeline between receiving notices and the current appeal deadline of Oct. 7. 

Landau introduced a resolution declaring Sept. 10, 2024, as Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day. This proclamation is part of a broader effort to raise awareness about suicide prevention, reduce stigma and affirm the necessity for accessible mental health services. September is recognized nationally as Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month, a campaign dedicated to educating the public about the warning signs of suicide, advocating for preventative services and supporting those affected by suicide. ••

St. Jerome Seniors to meet

Upcoming St. Jerome Seniors meetings are on Thursdays, Sept. 12 and 26, in the school hall, 3031 Stamford St. Arrive by 10 a.m. Meeting begins promptly at 11. ••

Book club discussion at Bustleton Library

Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave., will host a Book Club discussion on When No One Is Watching, by Alyssa Cole, on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 11 a.m. The book is a thriller based on the gentrification of a Brooklyn neighborhood. Reading the book beforehand is encouraged but not necessary. Copies will be available to borrow. Call 215-685-0472. ••

Craft fair/flea market

Memorial Presbyterian Church of Fox Chase, 7902 Oxford Ave., is hosting a craft fair and flea market on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you’d like to be a vendor, contact the church at 215-745-2844 or [email protected]. ••

Paper shredding

State Sen. Jimmy Dillon will team with City Councilman Jim Harrity for a paper-shredding event on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Archbishop Ryan High School, 11201 Academy Road. E-cycling will also be available for the disposal of computers, cell phones and televisions. Call 215-695-1020. ••

Senior fair

State Rep. Jared Solomon will hold a senior fair on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9-11 a.m. at the Northeast Services Hub, 6434 Castor Ave. There will be light refreshments. RSVP at 215-342-6340. ••

Free community luncheon

St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 7965 Fillmore St., will host Hope’s Table, a free community luncheon, on Saturday, Sept. 14, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 215-745-4453. ••

Meet the candidates

The Men’s Club and the Chaverim of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, will host its Meet the Candidates brunch on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 10:30 a.m. The event is free and open to the community. Call 215-677-1600. ••

TBYN to meet

Take Back Your Neighborhood will meet on Monday, Sept. 16, at 6:30 p.m. at Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. There will be representatives from the 2nd Police District, Office of Property Assessment and Licenses and Inspections. ••

BVM Seniors to meet

Maternity BVM Seniors has a trip and luncheon scheduled for Dec. 12 to see Joy to the World at American Music Theatre, in Lancaster. The trip is open to all. Call Jackie at 215-287-9968. BVM Seniors will meet on Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. ••

Rhawnhurst Civic to meet

Rhawnhurst Civic Association will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 7 p.m. at Pelbano Playground, Bustleton and Solly avenues. The guest speaker will be City Controller Christy Brady. The community relations officers from the 2nd and 7th police districts will also be on hand. The group will be nominating officers for the seats on the Board of Directors. A formal vote will be held during the October meeting. ••

Flea market at Maternity BVM

Maternity BVM Home and School Association will hold a flea market on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the lower church parking lot, 9220 Old Bustleton Ave. The cost is $25 per spot, or two for $40. Call Maura Collins at 610-202-9090. ••

Local schools recognized

Four local schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia were recognized for Growth and Exceeding Potential. They are St. Anselm, St. Cecilia, St. Matthew and Presentation BVM. In addition, St. Christopher and Resurrection of Our Lord were recognized for Exceeding Potential, while St. Jerome and St. Albert the Great were cited for Growth. The results were based on testing. ••

Vaccine shots on Sept. 18

Representatives from Giant Pharmacy will offer flu and other vaccine shots at KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited to join members. The flu and pneumonia shots are covered by Medicare Part B, while the shingles shots, Tdap and RSV vaccinations are covered by the Medicare Part D prescription plan. Bring your Medicare, pharmacy and other insurance cards. To reserve an appointment, call 215-698-7300, Ext. 193. ••

Clothing drive

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is running a clothing drive on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at 604 Township Line Road, Cheltenham. Bring your gently used clothing, accessories, books and small trinkets in bags or boxed for pick-up. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Paws for the Cause

The Fox Chase Cancer Center Board of Associates will host the 25th annual Paws for the Cause on Sunday, Sept. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon. In addition to a 1-mile walk around the Fox Chase campus, participants will enjoy food, music, entertainment for children, contests and prizes. A variety of vendors and animal rescue organizations will be on hand. For more information, email [email protected] or call 215-728-2441. ••

Programs at Ryerss

Ryerss Museum and Library, 7370 Central Ave., in Burholme Park, has announced its September and October events.

Here is the schedule: Friday, Sept. 13, 1-3 p.m. (Fibercraft Friends); Saturday, Sept. 14, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (Storytime: We love our grandparents); Friday Sept. 20, 1-3 p.m. (Book Club: The Girl Who Wrote in Silk); Friday, Sept. 27, 1-3 p.m. (Fibercraft Friends); Saturday, Sept. 28, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (Storytime: Explore the park with Ranger Monica); Friday, Oct. 4, 1-3 p.m. (Genealogy Group); Saturday, Oct. 5, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (Storytime: Knights & Dragons); Saturday, Oct. 5, 5 p.m. (crafts, followed by the movie IF at 7); Friday, Oct. 11, 1-3 p.m. (Fibercraft Friends); Friday, Oct. 18, 1-3 p.m. (Book Club); Saturday, Oct. 19, 1-3 p.m. (Presentation by Herb and Sandy Kaufman, The Soldier & His Lady: A Look at Victorian Life, Culture & Fashion); Friday, Oct. 25, 1-3 p.m. (Fibercraft Friends); and Saturday, Oct. 26, 1-3 p.m. (Young Frankenstein’s Mad Science Halloween Party: food, crafts and creepy science fun).

Register at [email protected]. ••

Preschool storytime

Katharine Drexel Library, 11099 Knights Road, will host preschool storytime at 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays, Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 10 and 24, Nov. 7, 14 and 21 and Dec. 12. There will be stories, songs and fingerplays. For children ages 3-5 accompanied by an adult. Call 215-685-9383. ••

Fatima holy hour for world peace

The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring a Fatima Holy Hour for World Peace on Friday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. at St. Katherine of Siena Church, 9700 Frankford Ave. All are welcome to participate in the devotions to Our Lady of Fatima. Devotions include procession with Fatima statue, rosary and benediction. ••

Meet author and poet

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 14375 Proctor Road, will host Let Us All Breathe Together: A Reading and Reception with Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, on Sept. 12, from 6-8 p.m. Admission is free, bit there is a suggested $25 donation. Call 215-934-6206. ••

Weekly walks

WeWalkPHL will take place at the Pennypack on the Delaware Park, 7801 State Road, at 8:30 a.m. on Saturdays, Sept. 14, 21 and 28 and Oct. 5, 12, 19 and 26. The program is a partnership among Fairmount Park Conservancy and the city Departments of Public Health and Parks and Recreation. ••

Upcoming operas

Amici Opera Company will present Saint-Saens’ Henry VII on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 4 p.m. at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer, 1128 Cottman Ave.

Amici will present Rossini’s Il Turko in Italia on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 3 p.m. at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer.

Amici will travel to Community Presbyterian Church, 1501 W. Brigantine Ave., in Brigantine for a performance of Bizet’s Carmen on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 4 p.m. Tickets cost $30.

Amici will present two performances of Verdi’s Nabucco: Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2:30 p.m. at Dock Woods, 275 Dock Drive, in Lansdale and Saturday, Sept. 28, at 4 p.m. at United Methodist Church of the Redeemer.

Amici will also present Nabucco as a dinner opera on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m. at La Piovra, 7901 High School Road, in Elkins Park. The cost is $54.95 (tips and tax not included). For reservations, call 215-606-3800.

For more information, call 215-224-0257 or visit the Amici Opera Company page on Facebook. ••

St. Hubert run/walk

The St. Hubert Alumnae Association will hold a 5K run/1 Mile Family Fun Walk on Saturday, Sept. 28, in Pennypack Park, off 3135 Rhawn St. Virtual runs and walks will also be held from Sept. 15-28.

The fee is $30 if registered by Sept. 15. The cost is $15 for St. Hubert students and $10 for walkers ages 2-11. All who register by Sept. 15 will receive a T-shirt.

Registration from Sept. 16 to the day of the event is $35 and will include a shirt if supplies last. Registration on Sept. 28 begins at 7:30 a.m. The run starts at 8:30, followed by the walk at 9.

For more information, go to https://sthubertalumnae.org/reunions-and-events ••

Apply for community grant

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus, through the support of the Anna T. Jeanes Foundation, is asking for applications for its 2025 Community Grant Program. Grants are awarded annually to provide funding for projects that promote the health and wellness of community residents. Applications will be accepted until Sept. 15. Funds must be used within one year of receipt. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply, and must provide a copy of their tax exemption letter from the Internal Revenue Service and a current completed W-9 form. Organizations applying for grants should be located within or serve one of the following ZIP codes: 19012, 19027, 19111, 19115, 19120, 19133, 19149, 19152, 19006, 19046, 19095, 19114, 19116, 19124, 19126, 19135, 19136 and 19154. Projects receiving funding should take place within these ZIP codes.

For additional information about the program, or to request an application form, contact Rosemarie Schlegel at 215-728-2131 or [email protected]. ••

Tacony CDC events

The Tacony Community Development Corporation is hosting free yoga and Pilates pop-ups on select Saturdays at 10 a.m. at 6823 Torresdale Ave., second floor. A Pilates class is on Oct. 5. Yoga classes are on Sept. 21 and Oct. 12. Bring your own yoga mat. Register by calling 267-367-7766 or visiting https://bit.ly/478UYbT.

Monthly workshops at the Tacony Library, 6742 Torresdale Ave., will support the needs of local small business owners. Future workshops will be held at 11 a.m. on Sept. 16, Oct. 7 and Nov. 18. ••

Learn about becoming a poll worker

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., will present Learn about Becoming A Poll Worker on Monday, Sept. 30, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The session is made possible through the Committee of Seventy. Call 215-685-8756. ••

Holy Inn to see Rat Pack show

Holy Innocents will be holding a trip to the Tropicana in Atlantic City on Thursday, Dec. 5. A bus will depart L Street and Hunting Park Avenue at 10 a.m. and will leave the casino at 5:30 p.m. The cost is $85, due by Nov. 1, and includes bus transportation, a ticket to The Rat Pack Christmas Show at 3 p.m. and $25 slot play. To reserve your seat, call Cindy at 215-535-2740. ••

St. Hubert going to NYC

St. Hubert will hold a day trip to New York on Saturday, Nov. 23. A bus will depart the school at 7:45 a.m. There will be an 11 a.m. showing of the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, followed by free time until the bus departs at 5:45 p.m. The cost is $220 per person, paid in full by Oct. 1. Proceeds benefit the faculty scholarship fund. To reserve your seat, contact Mary Clifford at 267-231-7367 or [email protected]. ••

Support community boating

Glen Foerd in partnership with Riverways Collaboration announced their first “Boat and Brew” fundraising event in support of free community boating, environmental education for Philadelphia and Camden youth, equitable access to waterways and healthier rivers.

The event will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at Glen Foerd, 5001 Grant Ave. Optional kayaking will go until 6 p.m., followed by a reception.

Guests will enjoy an open bar with wine and beer, live music by York Street Hustle and a silent auction. Food will be available for purchase from the Clean Plate Club food truck.

Kayaking is $25 per person. The reception costs $50, or six people for $250.For information and to purchase tickets, call 215-632-5330 or visit www.glenfoerd.org/events/2024/9/16/boat-and-brew-fundraiser-for-the-riverways-collaboration ••

North Catholic alumni golf outing

Joe Hand Promotions and Northeast Catholic Alumni Association will hold their 34th annual golf outing on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at North Hills Country Club in Glenside. The outing funds the alumni association’s scholarship fund, which provides $500,000 each year for Catholic education. For reservations, sponsorships or more information, email [email protected], call 215-543-1051 or visit www.northcatholicalumni.org ••

Bar crawl for charity

The sixth annual Madison Bar Crawl will take place Saturday, Oct. 5 in Rockledge. The schedule is 3-5 p.m. at the Hollywood Tavern, 5-7 p.m. at the Austrian Village and 7 p.m. to ?? at Gaul & Co. Malt House. The event is in honor of Madison Woltemate, 11, who is thriving through physical challenges. Proceeds will benefit the families of two other girls facing similar challenges. T-shirts cost $20. Mail a check to Lawrence Himes, 619 Burke St., Rockledge, PA 19046 or Venmo @melissamccabe. ••

Trunk or Treat at Mission BBQ

The Gas Guzzlers Car Club Trunk or Treat will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Mission BBQ, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd. No cars will be permitted after 5 p.m. There will be a DJ and prizes for best costume and best trunk. ••

KleinLife opens farmers market

KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., has a farmers market that sells nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables every Friday from noon to 3 p.m., through the fall. The market accepts cash, SNAP/EBT Access Cards and Philly Food Bucks. Proceeds will go to support the Cook for a Friend program as part of the KleinLife Home Delivered Meals Program. Call 215-698-7300, Ext. 196. ••

Trip to Sight & Sound

St. James, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street, is holding a trip to Sight & Sound, a theater in Lancaster County, on Oct. 23 for the 11 a.m. show of Daniel. For more information, call 215-743-1828. ••

A show, lunch and shopping

St. Dominic’s Respect Life Ministry is sponsoring a trip to Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster County on Thursday, Oct. 3, to see the musical Daniel. Lunch will be at Shady Maple Smorgasbord, with time to shop at Kitchen Kettle Village. Cost is $187. For more information or to book, call Susan at 215-333-4313 or Carol at 215-742-6874. Do not bring checks to the rectory. ••

Farmers market open

The Food Trust holds a weekly farmers market at Castor Avenue and Hellerman Street. The market, featuring fresh fruits and vegetables, is open Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. through October and will include cooking demonstrations. ••

Millbrook Civic to meet

Millbrook Civic Association will meet on Sept. 24, at 7 p.m., at the Calvary Athletic Association clubhouse, 4330 Deerpath Lane. Future meetings will be on Oct. 29 and Nov. 26. For more information, email [email protected] ••

2 upcoming trips

The Maternity BVM Seniors Group has two upcoming trips.

There is a trip to the Smoky Mountain Show (Dollywood) from Oct. 7-12. For more information, call 215-964-7125.

The group will travel to Lancaster on Thursday, Dec. 12, for a luncheon and the show Joy to the World at the American Music Theatre. For information, call 215-338-9141. ••

Farm stand at Jeanes

The Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus Farm Stand will be open for the 12th season on Thursdays, through the end of October, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cash only. The stand is located next to parking lot C of the Jeanes and Fox Chase Cancer Center campuses. Email [email protected] or call 215-728-2131. ••

Sunday flea market returns

A flea market will take place every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through November at Liberty Plaza, 90 Franklin Mills Blvd. (near Knights Road). The cost for vendors is $30 per parking space. For more information, call 215-625-FLEA (3532) or visit PhilaFleaMarkets.org. ••

Entertainment at Parx

Parx Casino is offering the following upcoming entertainment:

Sept. 21: Dustin Lynch; Oct. 4: Heather McDonald; Oct. 18: Straight No Chaser; Oct. 19: Giggly Squad Live; Oct. 25: Michael Blaustein; Nov. 9: Air Supply; Nov. 21: Aaron Lewis; Nov. 23: Steve Trevino; Dec. 7: Kathleen Madigan ••

Bingo at Cannstatter’s

Bingo is played every Thursday at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 6:30. Call 215-322-0121. ••

Bingo at Loudenslager

Corp. John Loudenslager American Legion Post 366, 7976 Oxford Ave., is offering community bingo every second and fourth Friday evenings. Doors open at 6 p.m. There are dollar hot dogs and free popcorn and refreshments. ••

VFW looking for members

Bustleton-Somerton/CTR1 Michael J. Strange VFW Post 6617 meets on the third Wednesday of every month at American Legion Post 810, 9151 Old Newtown Road. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. If you are a military veteran who served in a designated combat zone, you are eligible to join the VFW. Call Commander Israel Wolmark at 215-725-0630 if you would like to join the post. ••

Trip to New York

The Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation is sponsoring a bus trip on Tuesday, Oct. 8, to the Tenement Museum in New York, with lunch and free time in Manhattan’s Little Italy.  The all-inclusive cost is $175. For a flyer and reservation form, call 215-788-9043. Reservations close on Sept 11. ••

Party for West Catholic girls class of ‘69

West Catholic Girls Class of 1969 will have its 55th anniversary party on Sunday, Sept. 29, at Anthony’s Ristorante, 865 W. Springfield Road, Springfield. The cost for the luncheon is $65. Call Hannah at 610-764-3249. ••

Attend Glen Foerd’s Wedding Crashers’ Ball

Glen Foerd’s Wedding Crashers’ Ball will take place on Friday, Oct. 25, at 5001 Grant Ave. (at the Delaware River).

The interactive event invites guests to become part of the story, blending elements of immersive theater with elegant wedding festivities, and spontaneous celebration.

The creator is inFLUX Theatre Collective, and the event is inspired by the reality TV dating show The Bachelor. Searching for the perfect partner, Glen Foerd’s bachelor must choose among five brides competing for his heart. What ensues promises to be an immersive night of romance, comedy, slapstick and chaos.

The show will go from 7-11 p.m. and will include live music by the West Philadelphia Orchestra, dinner, an open bar, dancing and silent and live auctions. There will also be an afterparty held in Glen Foerd’s Gilded Age mansion’s rathskeller until midnight. Throughout the evening, guests will be part of the narrative, interacting with characters and influencing the unfolding drama of the bachelor, the brides and their entourage.

Guests are encouraged to wear black tie, recycled wedding dresses, that old bridesmaid’s gown from hell, business attire or, in the spirit of Halloween, creative costumes.

All proceeds will go to support Glen Foerd’s community art, education and environmental programming and to preserve the nonprofit’s 18-acre Delaware River estate that includes seven historic structures dating from the 1850s.

Tickets are $185 per person, or $225 that includes the afterparty in Glen Foerd’s rathskeller. Tickets can be purchased at www.glenfoerd.org/weddingcrashersball. Ticket sales close on Oct. 4.Sponsorships are also available. For information, visit www.glenfoerd.org/weddingcrashersball, or contact Scott Reynolds at 215-632-5330 or [email protected]. ••

Video ceremony and conversation

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host the 19th Israeli-Palestianian Memorial Day Video Viewing on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 1-3 p.m. Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg, one of the founders of the Philadelphia chapter of American Friends of Combatants for Peace, will introduce the video and join a conversation afterward. The cost is $25. Call 215-934-6206. ••

Hero Thrill Show is Sept. 21

The 69th annual Hero Thrill Show will take place on Saturday, Sept. 21, from noon to 5 p.m., at the Wells Fargo Center parking lot.

Featured will be the Sound of Philadelphia music by DJ legend Bob Pantano, performances and displays of K-9 and bicycle units, the elite Philadelphia Police Motorcycle Highway Patrol Drill Team, mounted police horse, fire engines, crime-fighting equipment by the Police Aviation Unit, Bomb Squad, Crime Scene Investigation Unit, Marine Unit, firearms instructors, Police Academy and SWAT Unit. 

Tickets are $15 for individuals and $35 for a family (up to five).

Proceeds pay for the college tuition of children of Philadelphia police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.

For more information, go to herothrillshow.org. ••

Book club to meet in Oct.

The Book Club of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will be holding a Zoom session on Monday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m. The book is Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. For further information, or to register for the book club program, call Lynn Ratmansky at 215-677-1600. ••

Book club meeting 

The Book Club of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will hold a Zoom session on Monday, Nov. 4, at 7 p.m. The book is Blake Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson. For further information, or to register for the book club program, call Lynn Ratmansky at 215-677-1600. ••

Book club to meet in Dec.

The Book Club of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will host a Zoom session on Monday, Dec. 2, at 7 p.m. The book is The Bird Hotel by Joyce Maynard. For further information, or to register for the book club program, call Lynn Ratmansky at 215-677-1600. ••

Armenian Heritage Walk

The Philadelphia Armenian community announces an outdoor gallery called the Armenian Heritage Walk outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art. With a planned unveiling in April 2026, the walkway will feature public art and gardens celebrating the Armenian story, thanking America for its partnership and advancing cultural awareness.

The Walk will flank the long-standing statue called “Young Meher,” a legendary figure symbolizing the indomitable spirit of the Armenian people. While the Walk will pay tribute to the unique Armenian identity, it will simultaneously celebrate Philadelphia’s spirit of diversity. When visitors step onto the Walk, they will discover the story of a people who, exiled in genocide, found a new home in Philadelphia.

Anchored in stones endemic to both Armenia and Philadelphia and decorated with artwork and landscaping, the Walk will showcase the cross-cultural gifts of this ancient race. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore and reflect on how one of the oldest civilizations of the world endured and thrived in modern and post-modern America.

The project will kick off on Sept. 14 with an inaugural charitable and cultural event at the Philadelphia Club, celebrating the anniversary of the 100th birthday of the late French-Armenian chansonnier and Armenian champion Charles Aznavour.

The Armenian Heritage Walk is a project that will bring attention to the Armenian people and make their contributions to America and the world known to all who cross the path.Donations for the project can be made at www.armenianheritagewalk.org. ••

Buddy Holly tribute concert

Zachary Stevenson brings his Buddy Holly Tribute to the Philadelphia region for the first time on Sept. 14, at 2 p.m., at Sellersville Theater 1894.

Tickets are available at https://www.st94.com/events/oh-boys-buddy-holly-tribute/

The Buddy Holly Tribute one-act show will feature hits such as That’ll Be the Day, Peggy Sue, Oh Boy and Rave On.

Stevenson will be backed by Philadelphia psychedelic-rock trio Echo Kid as the Crickets. Echo Kid features Brendan McHale on bass, Christian Turzo on guitar and Kieran McCabe on drums. ••

Scientific symposium at Fox Chase

Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Center for Immunology will host its 14th Annual Scientific Symposium on Friday, Oct. 18. The event will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry being awarded for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. Much of that work was done at Fox Chase. The symposium will be held in Fox Chase’s Leidy Auditorium and will feature presentations by eight scientists. For more information and to register for the event, email [email protected]. ••

Support for Parkinson’s

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus hosts a Parkinson’s Disease Support Group on the second Wednesday of every other month. The meetings will take place from 5-6 p.m. at the Cheltenham Friends Meetinghouse, 7604 Central Ave. The group is led by nurse practitioner June Ro and attended by guest speakers, patients and caregivers.

The guest speakers are Dr. Molly Cincotta, a neurologist (Oct. 9), and social worker Luisa Enriquez (Dec. 11).

To register, contact June Ro at 215-707-2619 or [email protected]. ••

Third Thursday in Mayfair

The Mayfair Business Improvement District will hold a Third Thursday Night Market on Sept. 19, from 6-9 p.m. at Frankford and Cottman avenues. The event will feature vendors, food trucks, drinks and live music from Jumper. ••

History events in Bristol

On Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m., Patricia Mervine will speak on “Lafayette, the Abolitionist” at the the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation, 321 Cedar St., Bristol Borough. The presentation is open to the public. A donation of $5 per adult is requested. Students are free. Light refreshment will be served.

The presentation precedes the borough’s Sunday, Sept. 29, celebration of Lafayette’s farewell visit to America, which included Bristol Borough, in 1824. That day, the borough will commemorate the 200th anniversary of Lafayette’s farewell visit to America. Beginning at 2 p.m., there will be a grand procession from the Adams Hollow Bridge, on Radcliffe Street, near Lincoln Avenue, down banner-lined Radcliffe Street (known as the King’s Highway in colonial days) to the corner of Radcliffe and Mill streets, where a mural marking this bicentennial event will be dedicated. ••

A space for UArts student work

Councilwoman Rue Landau, in collaboration with Creative Philadelphia, is launching an initiative to support students and faculty affected by the recent closure of the University of the Arts.

The project aims to transform City Hall into a welcoming hub for these displaced artists’ work, providing them with a space to showcase their work in City Hall and in the office of Landau (Room 592) and the corridors.

Students and faculty of UArts are invited to submit their artwork for consideration through an online submission form, with a deadline of Oct. 4.

“The closure of UArts is a significant loss for our city, but it also presents an opportunity for us to uplift and support these talented artists,” Landau said. “I’m honored to provide a space for their work alongside the Creative Philadelphia so that they know the city values their contributions to our arts scene.”

The submission form for UArts students and faculty to have their work featured can be found here. ••

After-school program for sophs

Applications have been extended until Friday, Sept. 20, for local students seeking educational experiences in science and healthcare fields to apply to The College of Physicians of Philadelphia’s Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program.

There is no cost to apply for any of the college’s science-focused youth programs.

George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program

Founded in 2009, the George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows program is a summer and after-school program for Philadelphia high school students from “historically excluded” communities who have an interest in health. The program seeks to foster interest in careers in healthcare and medicine through hands-on learning and interaction with professionals. The program also provides academic counseling and support to better prepare these students for college and their future careers.

The program is open to students entering 10th grade who are Philadelphia residents, enrolled in a Philadelphia high school, have an interest in science and healthcare professions, will be the first in their immediate family to graduate from a college or university, qualify for free or reduced-price school lunch, and have no disciplinary problems on their school record. There are no costs to participate in the program.

The program goes for three years.

Apply here: Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program | The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Learn more at https://collegeofphysicians.org/programs. ••

Sign up for Philly Bike Ride

The third annual Philly Bike Ride will take place on Saturday, Oct. 19, beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Riders will pass Independence Hall, City Hall, Love Park, Chinatown, Old City, Penn’s Landing and Boathouse Row on Kelly Drive. They can choose between a 20-mile course or a 7.6-mile version, both ending at the art museum.

The free post-ride festival features live music, wellness activities, a beer garden and food trucks.

The cost is $69, with various add-ons available.

A portion of proceeds will support the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and its Youth Cycling Program.

For more information, visit www.phillybikeride.com ••

2 Fringe shows at Glen Foerd

Glen Foerd, 5001 Grant Ave., announced the hosting of a world premiere performance as part of this year’s Philadelphia Fringe Festival.

“For Love of Country,” by The Perspective Collective, will take place on Sundays, Sept. 15 and 29, at 2 p.m. Tickets are $22, or $17 for students. Visit www.phillyfringe.org/events/for-love-of-country/

For more information, visit www.glenfoerd.org or www.phillyfringe.org. ••

Book review and lunch

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is having a book review and deli lunch on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from noon to 3 p.m. at FCCC’s Reimann Conference Room, fourth floor, 333 Cottman Ave. There will be reserved parking off the Burholme Avenue entrance. The book is The Women by Kristin Hannah. The cost is $35. For reservation, call Joyce at 215-676-1761. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

Upcoming events at Jeanes

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus, 7600 Central Ave., will present several events with support from the Anna T. Jeanes Foundation.

Palliative care nurse practitioner Dana Pieretti will speak on Let’s Talk About Palliative and Hospice Care on Sept. 24, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Marissa Blum, a rheumatologist, will speak on Diet and Exercise’s Impact on Arthritis and Osteoporosis on Monday, Oct. 7, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

A Parkinson’s disease support group will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 5-6 p.m. Dr. Molly Cincotta, a neurologist, will lead the group.

To register, call 215-728-4861 or email [email protected]. ••

A marriage retreat

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 14375 Proctor Road, will host Making Conflict Count: A Marriage Retreat on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The cost is $95 per couple and includes lunch. Call 215-934-6206. ••

GBCL to meet

The Greater Bustleton Civic League will hold its monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. in the community room of American Heritage Credit Union, 2060 Red Lion Road. Meetings are open to the public. All are welcome. Email [email protected] or call 215-676-6890. ••

FCCC expands Division of Breast Surgery

Fox Chase Cancer Center announced the hiring of Dr. Alycia So as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Breast Surgery in the Department of Surgery. The addition of So to the department expands the Division of Breast Surgery to six full-time breast surgeons.

So is joining Fox Chase following the completion of her breast surgical oncology fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and her general surgery residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. While at Mount Sinai, So served as the surgical palliative care residency team leader and administrative chief resident.

She earned her medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. There, she received the FOCUS Fellowship in Women’s Health from the Rena Rowan Breast Cancer Center, which allowed her to examine the role of perioperative gabapentin in decreasing the incidence of postmastectomy pain syndrome.

So is the recipient of several awards, including The Adrian Greenstein, MD, Award, presented by Mount Sinai Hospital to the general surgery resident who best demonstrates professionalism, humanism and civility, as well as The Corynne S. Uhl Award for Compassion and Excellence in Patient Care from MD Anderson Cancer Center.

She has contributed to 20 publications and presentations studying breast cancer and surgical outcomes. So has also worked on several global health initiatives, including an independently organized research fellowship with the Department of Surgery at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, and the installation of solar suitcases at rural clinics in The Gambia to improve maternal-fetal health outcomes. ••

Online series on faith

Cranaleith Spiritual Center will hold an online series, Summer Book Circle: Enlivened Faith Through Creation and Culture, on Tuesdays in October from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $20 per session, or $80 for all five sessions. Call 215-934-6206. ••

Discover work of architect

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, will host Preserving Minerva: (Re)Discovering The Work of Architect Minerva Parker Nichols on Thursday, Oct. 17, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The program is free. There is a suggested donation of $25. Call 215-934-6206. ••

Bazaar on Sept. 28

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 14100 Worthington Road, will host an indoor bazaar on Sept. 28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be jewelry, white elephant gifts, electronics, office equipment, handmade items, décor and a bake shop. Guests will receive a free cup of coffee as they browse. Non-perishable food donations will be accepted for the church food bank. ••

Free Christian music concert

Christian bands will perform at a free event on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Holmesburg United Methodist Church, 8118 Frankford Ave. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The concert starts at 7. There will be snacks and drinks. There is a parking lot and handicap accessible access behind the church. All are welcome. Call 215-624-6900. ••

Luncheon and entertainment

The Marlyn Chakov Fein Chapter, Fox Chase Cancer Center is holding a luncheon with entertainment at Bella Tori at the Mansion, 321 S. Bellevue Ave., Langhorne, on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon consists of salad and hot and dessert tables. There will be a cash bar. The cost is $60 per person. Call Beth for reservations at 215-990-6067 or 215-742-2703. The event supports cancer research and compassionate patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center. ••

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