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Letters to the Editor

Castor Avenue isn’t broken

Project Zero is a multimillion-dollar nationwide program that is theoretically designed to increase safety by diminishing and slowing down traffic on accident-prone streets. Their latest triumph in the Northeast is Tabor Road along the Naval depot. A normal road, reengineered and narrowed down with a bike lane on the depot side, parking in the middle and two lanes of traffic running pressed against the residential curb, with pillars in the road, all the way down to mark out the confusing mess because no knows where to park, so they park everywhere. Traffic stops dead during deliveries and trash pickups, and at no point did they consider concerns like what happens when an elderly person needs to bring in their groceries, an ice cream truck stops by, a pet – or a kid’s ball – runs into the street. Safety.

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Now Castor Ave., a road with a safety record that the police are quite happy with, is to be the next target of their unique flavor of safety enhancement. Could Castor use enhancements? Yes. Some street lamps and beautification would be appreciated, but this is the very definition of doing nothing to look like you’re doing something. The community has voiced intense opposition to this. The homeowners don’t want it, the businesses don’t want it. Who wants this and why do our politicians insist on fixing something that isn’t broken?

Diane Vilsmeier

Castor Gardens

Bashir wants debate with Boyle

I am running for Congress. I hope Congressman Bendan Boyle can agree to join me in a debate prior to the Nov. 5 general election. I believe our constituents need to know where we stand on various issues, and what our positions are. I strongly believe that our constituents should be given an opportunity and the respect they deserve, to know our positions on issues. I hope Mr. Boyle would accept my invitation.

No doubt, America is in crisis. We really need God back in our country. It is time to pray and act. America is falling down the hill faster than I thought. If you don’t believe me just look at some facts. Our economy is in a big struggle and trouble right now. With $36 trillion of debt upon America, we are paying $100,000 only in interest every second. Our budget deficit is reaching almost $2 trillion every year. Right now, inflation is skyrocketing. Please look at the gas prices, grocery prices, high interest rates on mortgages and other loans. Skyrocketing crimes, failing public schools and crimes are very serious concerns. In the last 3½ years, more than 10 million people poured into our borders illegally without any accountability and responsibility. No doubt, these are red flags that America is falling. 

Regardless of the crisis, there is great hope. We can save America together. We need God back in our nation. And we need to get back to the commonsense policies to put American people first. It is time for a change. This is not my battle alone. It is about our survival and the American dream of our children and grandchildren’s future. This is our struggle together for a better, stronger and safer America. It is time to realize that we must turn back to God as a nation for stronger, safer and better America. Please vote for me by pushing button 206, and spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors. Also, if you can, please contribute financially to my campaign on the website www.BashirforCongress.com. You can reach me on my personal cell 215-954-7836 if you have any questions or concerns. I am so honored to have your support and help to win your ward.

Thank you and God bless America.

Aaron Bashir

Harris/Walz = sense, sanity

The Aug. 28 opinion column featured yet another belly-aching Trumper, whining once again about false figures of migrants crossing the border. But who tanked the toughest border security bill in history that might have addressed the actual issues at the border? Trump. And who said she would sign the toughest border security bill into law once in office in a CNN interview? VP Harris.

Then the whiner complained about how Biden gets “a whopping $413,000 pension for his retirement.” Guess who else gets a pension for his retirement, courtesy of the American taxpayer? Um … could it be the billionaire big baby Trump? All former presidents get benefits totaling about $1 million a year. So the Chumpster has already collected over $3 million that we all paid for. Isn’t that nice. You’re welcome Donald “me, me, me” Trump. Why does a billionaire need a government handout anyway? Maybe Trump should be put through a means test program so we can weed out moochers like him from sucking up taxpayer money. Maybe this bellyacher should explain why the billionaire crybaby should get money that our seniors actually need.

But that wasn’t the end of griping based on complete nonsense. Then this crybaby bellyached about a former conservative Democratic US senator from Nebraska who served back in the ‘90s by the name of Bob Kerrey, because recently Bob wrote an Op-Ed about reforming Social Security. The big whiner claimed that Kerrey wanted to reduce Social Security benefits for seniors, but this falsehood is easily exposed. Kerrey wrote, “I personally would like to see lower-income beneficiaries get more rather than less. Forty percent of them right now, that’s all they’ve got for income, is Social Security.”

Everyone is sick and tired of the outrage and the outrageous lies of Trump and his supporters. Will they ever just shut the hell up already? When will the parade of big babies, wailing endlessly about their made-up problems, actually end? It’s like all they do is moan and whine about problems that don’t exist, or worse, they make up lies about problems that do exist. They tell you how it’s just terrible to live in America. If it’s so terrible here in America, then get the hell out. It’s obvious that Democrats are the patriotic party who believe in America’s promise and future.

If Trump and his supporters lose an election, they blame Jewish space lasers changing votes, but they still want you to vote for Trump because he will prevent World War 3. Huh? Do you really expect me to vote for the guy who thinks magnets stop working when they get wet? What other crazy insane claims will he and his supporters make? Normal people don’t want to hear about this weird nonsense. They just don’t. Normal Philadelphians just want to sit down to share a beer with friends and family, and watch the Phils beat up on another opponent. That’s why I’m voting for sense and sanity this Nov. 5. I’m voting for Harris and Walz.    

Michael A. Podgorski

Fox Chase

God bless schoolchildren

I leave for work earlier now and during my commute, I am inspired by the countless Philly kids of every race, creed and nationality waiting for the bus to take them to school each day. Despite the challenges these kids face (which may include concern about being targets of violence, challenging family lives and social media rivalry), they’re out there waiting. I like to focus on these kids and lift them up, encourage and support their hope.

So what does staying in education do? It broadens the student’s reality, empowers individuals and liberates minds. It challenges our kids to confront negativity and hate, to welcome the stranger. They learn that WE are all in this together, that we can’t afford an “us vs them” mentality. Time is short.

I am blessed to work in higher education for 39 years now and still counting. What do we teach in college? That violence and guns get us nowhere and have no place here but that a pen and informed conscience can change the world for the better a little at a time.

I’m lucky to work with the first kids in the family who go to college. They are resilient, strong, flexible, appreciative, smart and I see that Philly grit I know so well – why? ‘Cause I’m one of them – we get up early and show up for life daily despite the challenges and belly aches.

Admissions is not my role, but once in college, I do my damndest to keep these students through until graduation. Removing obstacles and offering resources is what they need to get through. Because in the end, they are our future and our hope. God bless them.

Nancy Komada


Fortunate son

Has anyone asked how Hunter Biden gets $2 million and doesn’t pay taxes on it, when he hasn’t worked a day in his life, other than riding around in Air Force One with the “Big Guy?” Oh, maybe Joe gave him the money, one might ask. Then you got to ask where did Joe get $2 million? According to Wikipedia, “Hunter Biden is an attorney and a businessman,” but he rarely had a stint as a lawyer. But somehow, Hunter collected about $11 million for just sitting as a “ghost” board member of Burisma, a position he got through the influence peddling of then-Vice President Joe, a position that required no work experience whatsoever, only to receive a steady flow of money for doing nothing. That’s not a salary, it’s a payola. According to Wikipedia, Al Capone was “a gangster and a businessman,” a position that requires no work experience as well. Al Capone amassed a fortune in bootlegging and racketeering, and was finally taken down by the U.S. government on tax evasion. In contrast, Hunter amassed a fortune in wheeling and dealing but gets a sweetheart deal from our same U.S. government for not paying his taxes. Go figure. And so far with what was revealed on Hunter’s laptop abandoned in a repair shop, Hunter was enjoying a gangster lifestyle of his own spending that money on drugs, getting high and various sexual liaisons, but in the meantime, Hunter liar fronts a sob story that he can’t afford child support for Navy Biden. Wow, what a life for the son of a president. No worries of working a real job. So you got to ask yourself, is Hunter a legit worker like you or I, who go to work each day to earn a living, or a sponge riding on Daddy Joe’s coattails, buying illicit drugs, drugs that are not your normal meds used for depression. And to those who are still skeptical to the cheating Bidens, the proof is in the pudding, and in this case, it’s in Hunter’s laptop. With the upcoming subpoenas of Hunter and James Biden, Comer has found proof of the money trail of the Bidens, and then the truth will be known to the American people.

Al Ulus


Freebies for illegals

So, Comrade Kamala is going to give a tax break to 100 million Americans if she is elected. The Biden-Harris administration has already imposed a $500 billion tax on the American  worker by giving over 20 million illegal entries free food, housing, clothes, health care and a monthly stipend. This is a bill that will only go up. A bill(tax) that your children’s children will be paying. And if Comrade Kamala is elected, the tax burden will increase much, much more. Wake up, America.

Mark Ritter


The Dem VP choice

This is an opposing viewpoint to Mr. Farley’s opinion that not picking Gov. Shapiro was due to some type of anti-semitic reasoning.  

Perhaps it was because Josh Shapiro has 28 more months to his term as governor (2 years and 4 months) and possibly (most likely) 76 months (6 years 4 months), has only just begun to show his leadership abilities, and has aspirations of being POTUS himself one day. Therefore, to take a position where he is “second” to someone else would not allow him to showcase his abilities as a leader.  

As an example, Pence, who left being governor to serve as VP, could not muster enough votes (or money) for the 2024 Republican candidacy for president. He had served a full term (almost) as governor of Indiana and was able to run for a second term. It is possible he had not “proven” to us that he had leadership skills. We saw him as only an appendage to his president.  

So, perhaps it was not anti-semitism that Gov. Shapiro was not the choice, but because Gov. Shapiro has larger aspirations than “just” being a vice president; and because the DNC (and VP Harris) were looking at a long-term plan as opposed to a short-term win.  

Theresa Minnick


Cleaning house

If Donald Trump gets re-elected, on his first day he’ll initiate Project 2025, which he is well aware of. His first order of business will be to replace many federal employees deemed not loyal to him. Very few will speak up and advocate in their defense. Then even fewer will speak up on the replacement of many state election board members. Then in quick succession removal of illegal and some legal immigrants, nonpartisan prosecutors, state education board members, abortion rights, all who live an alternative lifestyle, civil service workers, restrictions on religious leaders and all perceived political enemies. Finally he will come for me, just an ordinary citizen who speaks of democracy, or anyone who dares speak up disagreeing with his restrictions and mandates. Oh yeah, with me there’ll also be YOU. By then there will be very few left who will be able to “speak up” to curtail his autocratic ruling.  

One final thought. There will always be a MAGA mob that will be loyal no matter what he espouses. But joining them will be the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, far-right groups and from my own personal observation a small group of the Jewish population. Talk about strange “bedfellows.” Although I doubt if we will ever see all his misbegotten followers at a get-together initiating a hootenanny singing Kumbaya. I will state again. Think with your head and not your heart.

Ron Farbman     


Media propaganda

If someone told you that they know that Haitians have been stealing pet dogs in Springfield, Ohio to eat should you believe him just because he is a political candidate. You should ask for proof. Request that they provide evidence for their claim. A person might say the claim was true because he or she read it in the newspaper or heard it on TV without taking into account which newspaper or station. Is it one from Democrats on the left or Republicans on the right? Do you get your news from MSNBC or Fox? If a person says, “I hear that … ” or “People are saying that … ” it proves nothing. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said the claim of pet theft was a piece of garbage that is harming Springfield, Ohio.

Again there is no evidence offered. 

The claimant could be purposely offering true information, misinformation or disinformation or often just plain outright lies. Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance said that constituents are bringing concerns to him and at least 10 were ”verifiable.” Let’s see that evidence if it exists. By the way, dogs and monkeys and cats, etc. are on the menu, mostly in Asia and Africa. This does not mean that pets are being stolen in Ohio and eaten by illegal immigrants from Haiti. It has been said that a lie can make its way halfway around the world in the time it takes a person to tie their shoes.

Orson Welles’ radio show “The War of the Worlds” was aired in 1938. It vividly described invading Martian armies, mostly through scripted fake news bulletins that interrupted the program, without informing listeners it was a radio play. This caused a short-lived national panic as people told friends to tune in. They, in turn, called others. In today’s world a little research on your computer would confirm or refute political propaganda. Never pass on “something” before you check it out.

Mel Flitter


Generous contract

I see that the city has given its white-collar workers (DC 47) a sizable pay increase. I don’t begrudge pay raises in these inflationary times, but I am concerned about other benefits.

Why do employees need another paid holiday? This one is “Black Friday” in November. Are they honoring “shop ’til you drop?”

The city has also now granted eight weeks of paid family leave. You can bet that will be abused. In cold January, sick relatives in Florida will suddenly demand help.

Municipal phones go unanswered now; work doesn’t get done today. We already grant so many unofficial half-days off before almost every holiday, and I’m sick of closed libraries. Are we turning city staff into “part-time workers?”

This is being done to keep city workers in step with the Democrat party. Scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.

The problem is, the average Joe citizen has no seat at the bargaining table. And it is our money they are giving away. And none of it to hire desperately needed police officers.

Richard Iaconelli


You have to hate Trump

If you believe in equality you hate Trump because he is a known racist. If you believe in equality you hate Trump because he has no respect for women. If you believe in morality you have to hate Trump because he has no morals. If you believe in truth you have to hate Trump because he is a pathological liar. If you believe in patriotism you have to hate Trump who is a draft dodger and said the military and veterans are suckers and losers. He also said Medal of Honor winners aren’t that great because most of them are either dead or all shot up with bullets. Trump is totally against unions and always has been. If you don’t believe it Google anti-union actions by the Trump administration. Sometimes I wonder what the Trump people believe in. It’s ironic that the person who preaches hate is the main person who warrants the hate. Come on real Republicans wake up.

Vince Mosiniak


Wake up, America

This is your neighborhood Spider-Man reporting that we have finally heard some reasons why folks vote Democrat other than the usual feeble, “I can’t stand donald trump,” and, “I’ve always voted Democrat.” Of course, most reasons given were not the hot-button topics that get most, if not all, of the constant attention/consideration. Most were things that any president would have addressed, not solely the ingenious work of the current buffoon and his fraud VP. I did notice that there was no mention that they also changed the colors of the drapes in a couple White House rooms to go along with the earth-shattering CHIPS and Science Act and American Rescue Plan.

Even the village idiot knows most, if not all jobs that have come back are jobs that already existed prior to COVID, so we need to slow down before taking a bow. One can cast up all kinds of statistics, accurate or not, as both Republicans and Democrats do, but the main numbers virtually all Americans see or care about when shopping for anything anywhere are the exorbitant prices they are paying the past few years.

It is laughable when the border disaster gets blamed on the Orangeman. I and a couple hundred million Americans wonder if the complete opening of our southern border by the clown in the WH made matters across this nation better?  The same village idiot can clearly answer that and I think most honest Dems can, too. The bill that was turned down was so flawed that right-minded people overcame those who were desperate for almost anything. And how about an answer to this: If it was so good, why wait 3½ years for it? I think because they knew the damage desired had been inflicted and achieved, so let’s cool our heels.

There was no mention about all the “trans” insanity going on. Are Demos OK with dudes competing/dominating their daughters and granddaughters in sports, then parading around the locker rooms and bathrooms? How about blue DAs and politicians more concerned with criminals than victims? No mention here also. My “spidey-sense” tells me if a terrible crime landed on you or your loved one’s lap, your tune would change. Is it comforting to know how you and your family broke your backs paying off the debts of the children you love, because it was the right thing to do, then have those same big nuts for others get taken care of by the aforementioned clown who was trying to buy votes?

I don’t know who will win in November. I do know 15 million illegals were allowed in to tilt the voting the Democrat way in perpetuity, making America a “one-party” rule nation. At a closer glance, that would put America right there with Russia, North Korea, China and Iran. That is just what the Democrat ticket and a bunch of others want. Socialism and a way of life very different than what we all have known, both Democrats and Republicans. That’s what you get with “one party,” and at another closer glance, has not been very successful, motivating and fulfilling for over 90% of those living under it across the world.

As far as Trump and the bizarre and annoying stuff he says, we all know how he can talk out his &%#. The Republican world of the USA would never allow him to impose any such nonsense, which I think he says to needle people. But he will Make America Great Again for all. Whereas, Kamala & company have made clear what they will do. And that will affect all of us.

Otherwise, how does this sound? The United States of Venezuela.

James McCaffrey

Mayfair and USA Proud

Hatred toward Trump supporters

I opened the NE Times on May 15 to read three letters in a row, all trashing Trump and his supporters.

Two things struck me. First was the anger in their distortions. Why is it that anyone who supports Trump is either a fool or has no moral sense? I am quite capable of making rational judgments.

Trump lacks family values — how about your Bill Clinton? JFK’s womanizing was legendary. I won’t even discuss the perversities of Hunter Biden. It seems to me Trump is much more of a family man.

You offered no defense of our disastrous Biden economy and culture. Do you folks understand buying a home now costs over 80 percent more than under Trump? We are in the greatest housing crisis since WWII. Yes, Joe did that.

The Feds say says inflation has been 20 percent under Biden. Bad enough. In fact, food prices are up 30 to 40 percent. Many seniors eat cereal for dinner. Families buy food using credit cards.

Illegal aliens are flooding the country. How many are on welfare, with free housing, medical care and thousand-dollar-a-month debit cards? Well, many of us senior “citizens” could dearly use some free care. We’re not stupid. We see the hypocrisy.

Jews are under assault. Catholics go to jail for protesting a culture of death while the “Catholic” president cheers on abortion without limits. This did not happen under Trump.

Our debt is now growing $1 trillion every hundred days, as Biden tries to buy off students with debt forgiveness. Can I get in line for mortgage forgiveness? I guess not.

Most importantly, our courts are being used for partisan witch hunts. Our courts are sacred. They are the last defense of a citizen seeking justice. The outrageous Trump trials are meant to rig the election. Biden has made Lady Liberty a prostitute.

No wonder why Trump got nearly 100,000 people in a recent Wildwood, NJ rally. People of both parties are fed up with a once-great nation falling apart. So am I.

Can you three letter writers see this? Or are you too blinded by hate toward your fellow citizens? Do some soul searching.

Richard Iaconelli


Get real, Joe

Are any of Biden’s administrators doing their jobs for the American people?

Where’s Transportation Secretary Pete “Sitting-on-his-butt” Buttigieg after the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, the Boeing aircraft-parts breaking off and now the collapse of the Key bridge in Baltimore?

Where’s Homeland Security Alejandro “My-oh-my-what-a-joke” Mayorkas, with the borders wide open to a flood of criminals, murderers and now squatters into our American cities?
Not to mention the horrific job from the Secretary of the Interior Debbie “HA HA” Haaland as she provided the migratory encroachment of 8 million illegal migrants into our country’s interior.

Along with the support by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin acting as the principal defense policymaker by “de-fencing” our borders.

Where’s the Director of National Intelligence Avril “Hindsight” Haines, when she totally missed a known Venezuelan gang member on the run for killing his wife and then the unfortunate murder of Laken Riley in Georgia?

Where’s Secretary of Treasury Janet “Yanking our Chains” Yellen, with her outrageous interest-rate hikes and the high cost-of-living nightmare?

Where’s AG Merrick “Wage Garnish” Garland weaponized and politicized against Donald Trump empire, while Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and the Biden family influence peddling are dismissed?

Where’s the CIA director William “Bury the Hunter Laptop” Burns investigating the Bidens’ foreign “pay for play” money peddling is swept under the rug?

It’s time Joe stops blaming the border crisis on Trump when it was Joe himself who allowed the border to be wide open, along with his fellow Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Schumer who did not fund and vetoed building Trump’s border wall.

It’s time for Joe and his administration to get real and own up to their downfall.

So much for the commander in chief, better known as Joe “Not Abide by the Law” Biden.

Al Ulus


Buyer beware

In any election there will always be a few issues that both sides agree on. When choosing a dentist, we all owe Michael Kahmar a huge debt of appreciation for his painstaking list of reasons for selecting one. The dude has a great command of the obvious.

Of course there are also the main hot-button issues that separate us. I have always casted up the border disaster, trans males in the female world, DEI (didn’t earn it) and the undeniable rise in prices we all see in everything. I have long found that most Democrats, when asked why they vote as they do, say they “have always voted Democrat,” along with, “I despise Trump,” for which I am also quick to say I don’t blame them given how the orangeman can come out with some quite stupid statements that hurt people’s feelings. But quit paying attention to the bogus dictator narrative. The Republican world ain’t ever gonna allow that to happen. But what about the aforementioned issues, which are what this election comes down to? The answer seems quite clear. They can’t be defended.

Recently David Chester, to his credit, made an attempt to defend his vote listing numerous issues. However, any administration would have covered them all, particularly the earth-shattering CHIPS & Science Act and American Rescue Plan (you forgot to mention how the current clown in the WH also changed the color of the drapes in a couple rooms). A border bill was mentioned, but it was so flawed that clear-thinking folks shot it down. Which brings up 2 questions: Are you OK with 15 million illegals storming America and if this bill was so good, why wait 3½ years to present it?

The obvious answer is that the border calamity has gone just as the Democrats have wanted and with the coming election it is now time to act like they are concerned with addressing it.  Any resulting horror stories from it are just collateral damage. The goal is to tip the voting scales into Democrat favor in perpetuity. This will give them “one-party rule,” which is exactly what they want. This is also the way of government and life in such places as China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, which leaves 90% of the people living lives completely different than the great way of life we have here in America.

If you haven’t heard the socialist vibe coming from the current Demo ticket, you ain’t listening. This desired way of government and living will affect all of us, not just those of one side. The whole gist of raising some people by bringing down others, taking from our pockets to give to others (how did you like paying off many student debts by those who have been doing the right thing by paying off yours to buy votes? Feel like a sucker?), and implementing DEI at every turn should fly in the face of every American who has worked hard to live in places like East Torresdale and the suburbs.

Maybe when your daughter or grandson comes home after an interview for a job they want and are much qualified for and they tell you it was given to another because the standards were lowered, your tune may change. It’s funny when you hear about folks who say they are all in for immigration, and then a couple busloads land in their neighborhood. Whoa! America is an awesome, generous country, but this way?

Now who is the real threat to democracy? How does the United States of Venezuela sound?  Calling Dr. Harris?

James McCaffrey

Mayfair Proud

The right to life

A major focus of Kamala Harris is the rights of women and, particularly, what Ms. Harris perceives to be a “right” to abortion.

Yet the Ten Commandments teach “Thou shalt not Kill.”

And the Declaration of Independence states “All (persons) are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life … “

Let us hope that Ms. Harris shall consider these vital truths.

Greg Voss
Belleville, Illinois

We need more optimism

I have to agree with Michael’s recent letter stating we need more “optimism” in America.

In recent years, I had come to think the AmericaI grew up in and loved was over.

How could Americans support open borders with all crime, drugs and child sex slavery? The sexual grooming of little children, the calls for defunding police? Seems morally reprehensible. That can’t be us, or could it?

Among the retired, inflation is destroying the final chapter of our lives. Housing costs, insurance and taxes are making the home ownership dream a nightmare for so many.

However, we have a new mayor who at least believes in policing and an orderly city. A glimmer of hope.

Further, we see all the Biden legal attacks on Trump melting away like Joe’s ice cream cone in the summer sun. Then the debate revealed we’ve been ruled by a corporate and Marxist cabal, behind a puppet president.

Could it be the nation has finally awakened to this nightmare, and will return Trump to the White House? No more FBI home invasions against Catholics and MAGA supporters? Wow. Restore the Constitution. A real cause for optimism.

The darkness is lifting for me. Repairs will take some time under Trump, but I do think we will pull together because Americans want to make our country great again.

Richard Iaconelli


4 more years for Trump

Kamala Harris highlighted in her campaign speech that Americans are facing high inflation rates, saying the price for a loaf of bread and ground beef are up 50%.

That’s right Kamala, that’s all from you and your administration’s failed economic policy called the Inflation Reduction Act.

It’s all from the Biden-Harris presidency raising interest rates multiple times throughout their 4 years.

And Harris goes on to say that she wants to close the border on day one if she is elected.

Day one should have been back in January 2021, when the Biden-Harris team purposely kept the borders open, and they still have no intentions of closing the borders.

Are we to keep believing more of Harris’ babbling lies for the next four years?

Harris reminds me of the “Dubble Bubble” gum balls we had as kids.

The more Harris babbles, the more the bubble gets bigger and bigger out of her mouth until it bursts, spewing out her gigantic lies.

Harris and Biden constantly ragged on Trump and his MAGA supporters for being “the” extreme threat to American democracy.

If MAGA was such a threat, then why did Harris go on to copy Trump’s tagline, as she remarked at one of her rallies. that she will make “America great again.”

She can’t even come up with her own slogan but copies Trump. What a phony and a hypocrite.

Yes, we do have a border crisis.

Yes. we do have high crime rates in our cities.

Yes, we do have high inflation, and wages are certainly not rising for the average worker.

Yes, we do have high taxes on the working class to pay for the illegals and the runaway trillion-dollar national debt that Biden and Harris have incurred.

And yes, we do have a working class who have no legitimate savings for retirement.

Again, who’s fault is all the above? It’s Biden and Harris.

And what about all the lost jobs and businesses by the thousands that closed such as Red Lobster, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and a list that’s too long to mention here, all within the failed and neglected policies of Biden and Harris.

Harris can say all she wants to do for this country, but there’s no way of sugarcoating all the self-evident realities that us Americans are facing every day, paycheck to paycheck.

Copycat Harris can parrot the MAGA tagline all she wants, but in reality, she’s not MAGA qualified nor MAGA material, and that’s why “MAGA” is synonymous with Trump because he can and he did make America great under his 4 years and will do so again for the next 4 years.

Al Ulus


Do Dems support destructive policies?

Every time I have questioned why “Demos” vote as they do I always list the hot-button issues such as the border nightmare, trans guys competing against their daughters and granddaughters, low regard for police and revolving-door-for-criminal DAs, which comes from your Demo leaders, and DEI (didn’t earn it). Yet the responses I get are always about other issues, particularly the hammering of Donald Trump and his bizarre behavior, which I never defend. Which clearly leads me to believe either Demos support these destructive Biden/Harris policies or they don’t have the courage to speak out against the party.

I guess you are OK with trans dudes in girls locker rooms and the national disaster of the border (most likely because as long as they don’t land on your lap you are fine with it?).  Sounds like Fox Chase’s version of the hypocrites of Martha’s Vineyard. How about some Demo defense of these issues, not the smokescreen support of other stuff that even a lot of “Pubbos” are cool with.

About the border disaster. The clown show in the White House hollered how they didn’t like Trump’s policy, which was working. So on day one they totally opened it and encouraged people to come. Was this their solution to fix it? Ask Chicago, New York and all the border towns. Of course not. Their only concern was to flood America with 15 million future Demo voters who would change the electoral vote their way in perpetuity, succeeding in their goal of making the USA a “one-party rule” nation. This would allow them to further implement their socialist agenda and change America forever. If you haven’t picked up on the socialist vibe from your current ticket you ain’t paying attention.

Have you checked out life in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran of late. “One-party rule” doesn’t sound like a good place to live for 90% of the people. This ain’t gonna go over too well for all Americans, since we seem to have it pretty good. Silly me, but I’m thinking we are all OK with working hard to have that nice home, a couple cars and the endless niceties many have in our daily lives we earned. Do you really think the “Demo ticket” has this in mind? Americans are a very generous people who have always been all in when it comes to helping others. Maybe before you vote you oughta think about what your Demo ticket and ‘ol Bernie really want in America.

Trump, despite being the one who deserves some of the personal scorn he gets, will not let any of this happen. Who is the real threat to democracy? Just keeping it real here, folks — those of you who love our “American way.”

How does the United States of Venezuela sound?

James McCaffrey

Mayfair Proud

Harris a propped-up phony

Kamala Harris is dancing around the issues and thinks everything is a joke.

She allowed millions of illegals to flood into our country with her wide-open border policy and she smirks it off like it was a joke.

She allowed her Democrat constituents in blue cities of Chicago, LA, NYC, Philly and, of course, Aurora, Colorado, migrant-friendly “sanctuary city” status that has allowed vicious, murderous gang members to rampage our cities.

The fake news media have the nerve to lie to the American people that “crime is down.”
Furthermore, Harris allowed criminal migrants to rape, murder and assault men, women and children, and she has no answer to that, either.

But women voters want to endorse her to be their female president when she can’t even protect our women and children from illegal migrant rapists and murderers. But it seems that Kamala doesn’t care about that issue, either. She smirks that off, too.

And all she says is that, “There’s more work to be done.”

What work? She hasn’t done any work for Americans in her 4 years in office other than fly around in her jet for 4 years.

Where has she been for four years?

The open borders, the illegal criminal gang members killing and terrorizing our citizens, to Americans living on credit-card debt month to month because who has the money to afford the high prices of anything, that’s what her administration has accomplished in 4 years.

Kamala Harris does the “cackle dance” around these issues, laughs it off, and provides no solutions to fixing anything other than empty promises, again, much like her 4 years in office.

She’s a fat zero on everything from border security, on the high cost of living, to curbing crime.

We already know the track record of Trump when he was president.

Under Trump, home ownership was affordable with mortgage interest rates at a low 3% and affordable housing prices, while under Biden-Harris it shot up to 9%, with the average cost of buying a house is now at an outrageous $400-500k price range or higher.

Harris however wants to hand out to low-income first-time homebuyers 25k to help with the down payment on a new home.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Working at McDonald’s or Target doesn’t cut it for young homebuyers when Harris’ interest rates are at 7 to 9 percent.

Also, interest rates on credit cards are now at a staggering 20-30% under Biden-Harris, along with higher gasoline prices at the pump due to “Cackling, no Fracking” Harris and Biden cutting off the Keystone pipeline infrastructure, making America relying on foreign oil purchases.

Furthermore, Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, loves communist China so much that he went there for his honeymoon (how creepy), that he and Kamala don’t care if their Chinese comrades are buying up American farmlands instead of helping the American farmers.

That’s certainly not putting America first, is it Kamala?

You ever wonder how Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Bidens got so rich with their millions in their pockets working in government?

So to the people who think Kamala is presidential material, are we on the same boat, because she’s nothing more than a propped-up phony puppet of the Washington elites who only care about putting more money into their pockets than into the hard-working Americans.

This is the reason why they want to stop Trump because he’s a threat to their money flow.

Al Ulus


Look at labels

As all of us involved with the Buy American Made Campaign have seen that helping one another continues to pay off. Today, tens of millions of Americans are directing more of their spending power on items made and assembled in the United States of America.

For a long time, we saw foreign merchandisers expanding their product lines in stores throughout the United States. In the last 10 years we saw more American businesses and merchandisers working to get more American-made items back in circulation in local, regional and national stores.

Business owners tell customers that American-made items are moving off store shelves at a good pace, and they have seen more American-made items offered from their suppliers. The bottom line is every business wants to feature the products their customers are requesting in order to remain in business, make a profit and keep people employed.  

It is very important to take a few extra minutes to look at labels and seek out items made by American workers. It is also important for customers to encourage store owners and workers to seek out additional American-made products from their suppliers. With all of us working together, progress continues to be made.

Since 2012, we have been promoting National Small Business Weekend, the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every month. This is another opportunity for each of us to let local businesses know you support them because they add to the well-being of your local community. It is also an opportunity to encourage them to sell more products made and assembled by American workers. Spread the word and invite others to visit NationalSmallBusinessWeekend.com.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


More skilled workers needed

For many years “American Workers Need You” has promoted the need for more skilled workers throughout the United States of America. It is great to hear in the national news media that America’s high school and college students are more focused on trade programs and highly skilled technical jobs that will provide them with job skills that will last them a lifetime. With the changes in the labor market, students are graduating college and are facing unpredictable or limited job opportunities and higher student debt. Younger Americans see there is a large demand for high-skilled workers, which will get them a positive return from attending schools that offer trade and technology programs.

It is also good to hear reports that large numbers of young Americans are focused on the job skills badly needed in the United States. In addition, America is experiencing the impact of inflation and found that employment opportunities in the trades pay well. They also see that America’s consumers are focused more on spending their dollars on what is made in the United States, which keeps Americans employed.

From the responses we receive, Americans never thought they would see our country reach the point where such a sizable percentage of products sold in America are foreign made. Now that we experienced the aftermath of many years of allowing America’s industries and jobs to be outsourced around the world, we have the chance of a lifetime to rebuild America’s industries with the latest technology and keep American workers on the job.

Our efforts are bipartisan and nonsectarian, and our goals have never changed: Buy American, support American workers, support American businesses and welcome more people to get involved so we can reach the present goal of a 50/50 balance between American made and foreign made where we shop. Thanks for your participation.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


More jobs needed in U.S.

We are all watching many difficult situations taking place in America and around the world. Much of the difficulties are out of our control, but as America’s consumers, we can control how we spend our money and focus on the goal to help American workers.

The efforts of the Buy American Made Campaign have been supporting those who manufacture, distribute and sell products made in the United States. If America’s leaders paid attention to the imbalance between foreign-made and American-made products getting out of control during the last 30 years, they would have noticed the loss of American jobs and less tax revenues because more products formerly made in America were being produced overseas. America’s leaders should notice the growing dependence of many working age and able-bodied people in need of government assistance programs because so many jobs are being outsourced to foreign countries.

If we, the American people, saw that we need to reclaim America’s economy, there is no doubt that America’s national leaders did not see how the loss of jobs was affecting America’s economy, its families and America’s tax base. It’s time for all political parties to work together, and ensure that America is the best place to do business, and in the process address inflation so that American-made products we purchase are more affordable.

You are asked to contact your national and local elected officials this week and let them know we don’t have any more time to waste. America and American workers need everyone working together to help restore industries and jobs here in the United States. There is a link on the front page of AmericanWorkersRadio.com entitled “Contact Your Elected Officials.” It lists their names, and contact information for national and local elected officials. Your participation is very important.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


America’s graduates are depending on us

Every year millions of talented young men and women graduate from America’s schools and look for job opportunities. Over the last 35 years America’s national leaders saw that industries were moving manufacturing and other services to foreign countries. 

They saw that the well-being of American workers, America’s graduates and the businesses that employed them were being affected in a negative way. Why was there no action to resolve these issues for more than 35 years? Elected leaders did remain focused on raising taxes and expanding regulations on American-based businesses, which accelerated the loss of industries and the jobs needed for American workers.

The loss of manufacturing in America meant that American workers lost millions of jobs not only in manufacturing, but management, ordering supplies and scheduling production, packaging, shipping, sales and service, advertising, as well as research and development of new products, all needed to help bring American made to the stores where we shop.

The Buy American Made Campaign continues to stress the urgency of elected and business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to work together and take a firm position on restoring industries and jobs in America. We all face distractions throughout the year, but I’m sure we all agree that it’s now time to tune out the negative attitudes and tune in to positive efforts that will restore jobs for American workers, and our present and future graduates, so everyone can support themselves.

For over 35 years we have been walking up a steep hill and it’s time for elected leaders, business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to openly discuss the goal of helping restore industries in America, because we need to restore America’s economy and the well-being of all Americans.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Consumer power

Many people who retired in the last 15 to 20 years tell us that they have been watching how the loss of jobs to foreign countries has not been favorable to America’s economic future. They remember when skilled jobs were plentiful, and American goods were widely available on store shelves, and how they often worked overtime to keep up with the demand of producing, shipping and selling products proudly made in the United States of America.

Today, many Americans feel that our national elected leaders have been too focused on a global economy and have not been addressing the harm that outsourcing American jobs has caused America’s economy, America’s workforce and how it added to America’s growing national debt. Americans agree it is up to national elected leaders to be the leading force we need in order to restore America’s economy and America’s prosperity.

To help get America’s economy back on track, everyone is urged to contact their local, state and national elected officials to refocus on finding ways to assist businesses to restore American-made products and more jobs for American workers rather than remaining silent while more industries and jobs are relocated to foreign countries.

The Buy American Made Campaign has been helping people understand that America’s consumers have more power than they realize as they direct their spending power toward American-made products and supporting businesses that offer American-made products.

Your participation is very important and you are asked to spread the word to others and ask them to look for, ask for and purchase American-made products everywhere possible.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Media, elected officials should help unite us

We often hear in the news media that the American people are deeply divided. Our supporters feel this is an appropriate time for the news media and America’s national elected leaders to join together to let us know how the American people can be more united.

Are we divided because of the ongoing effects of inflation, the need for more jobs and job skills for America’s working-age and able-bodied people, the need for more trade programs in America’s schools, in need of a more realistic cost of living, a reduction of poverty in America or the many other difficulties experienced by the American people?

It would be good news if the news media helped us answer the questions that need to be answered for the well-being of all Americans. Why are the American people divided?

This is also an excellent opportunity for America’s 535 congressional national elected leaders in Washington, D.C., who are elected and paid to serve the needs and concerns of the American people in the United States House of Representatives and Senate, to offer their thoughts on what will help unite the American people. Many people feel it’s time to address inflation, create more jobs and job skills for our fellow Americans, more trade programs in America’s schools and focus on reducing poverty in the United States.

The goal of creating more jobs in America will certainly help unite the American people, America’s businesses, American workers and benefit American families.

The presidential, congressional and senatorial campaigns allow national candidates of both parties to document how they will unite us for the benefit of the American people and help promote American businesses, large and small. Employing American workers adds to a more vibrant economy in the United States of America, which will benefit all Americans.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


More jobs needed in U.S.

We are all watching many difficult situations taking place in America and around the world. Much of the difficulties are out of our control, but as America’s consumers, we can control how we spend our money and focus on the goal to help American workers.

The efforts of the Buy American Made Campaign have been supporting those who manufacture, distribute and sell products made in the United States. If America’s leaders paid attention to the imbalance between foreign-made and American-made products getting out of control during the last 30 years, they would have noticed the loss of American jobs and less tax revenues because more products formerly made in America were being produced overseas. America’s leaders should notice the growing dependence of many working age and able-bodied people in need of government assistance programs because so many jobs are being outsourced to foreign countries.

If we, the American people, saw that we need to reclaim America’s economy, there is no doubt that America’s national leaders did not see how the loss of jobs was affecting America’s economy, its families and America’s tax base. It’s time for all political parties to work together, and ensure that America is the best place to do business, and in the process address inflation so that American-made products we purchase are more affordable.

You are asked to contact your national and local elected officials this week and let them know we don’t have any more time to waste. America and American workers need everyone working together to help restore industries and jobs here in the United States. There is a link on the front page of AmericanWorkersRadio.com entitled “Contact Your Elected Officials.” It lists their names, and contact information for national and local elected officials. Your participation is very important.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


America’s graduates are depending on us

Every year millions of talented young men and women graduate from America’s schools and look for job opportunities. Over the last 35 years America’s national leaders saw that industries were moving manufacturing and other services to foreign countries. 

They saw that the well-being of American workers, America’s graduates and the businesses that employed them were being affected in a negative way. Why was there no action to resolve these issues for more than 35 years? Elected leaders did remain focused on raising taxes and expanding regulations on American-based businesses, which accelerated the loss of industries and the jobs needed for American workers.

The loss of manufacturing in America meant that American workers lost millions of jobs not only in manufacturing, but management, ordering supplies and scheduling production, packaging, shipping, sales and service, advertising, as well as research and development of new products, all needed to help bring American made to the stores where we shop.

The Buy American Made Campaign continues to stress the urgency of elected and business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to work together and take a firm position on restoring industries and jobs in America. We all face distractions throughout the year, but I’m sure we all agree that it’s now time to tune out the negative attitudes and tune in to positive efforts that will restore jobs for American workers, and our present and future graduates, so everyone can support themselves.

For over 35 years we have been walking up a steep hill and it’s time for elected leaders, business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to openly discuss the goal of helping restore industries in America, because we need to restore America’s economy and the well-being of all Americans.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Consumer power

Many people who retired in the last 15 to 20 years tell us that they have been watching how the loss of jobs to foreign countries has not been favorable to America’s economic future. They remember when skilled jobs were plentiful, and American goods were widely available on store shelves, and how they often worked overtime to keep up with the demand of producing, shipping and selling products proudly made in the United States of America.

Today, many Americans feel that our national elected leaders have been too focused on a global economy and have not been addressing the harm that outsourcing American jobs has caused America’s economy, America’s workforce and how it added to America’s growing national debt. Americans agree it is up to national elected leaders to be the leading force we need in order to restore America’s economy and America’s prosperity.

To help get America’s economy back on track, everyone is urged to contact their local, state and national elected officials to refocus on finding ways to assist businesses to restore American-made products and more jobs for American workers rather than remaining silent while more industries and jobs are relocated to foreign countries.

The Buy American Made Campaign has been helping people understand that America’s consumers have more power than they realize as they direct their spending power toward American-made products and supporting businesses that offer American-made products.

Your participation is very important and you are asked to spread the word to others and ask them to look for, ask for and purchase American-made products everywhere possible.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Media, elected officials should help unite us

We often hear in the news media that the American people are deeply divided. Our supporters feel this is an appropriate time for the news media and America’s national elected leaders to join together to let us know how the American people can be more united.

Are we divided because of the ongoing effects of inflation, the need for more jobs and job skills for America’s working-age and able-bodied people, the need for more trade programs in America’s schools, in need of a more realistic cost of living, a reduction of poverty in America or the many other difficulties experienced by the American people?

It would be good news if the news media helped us answer the questions that need to be answered for the well-being of all Americans. Why are the American people divided?

This is also an excellent opportunity for America’s 535 congressional national elected leaders in Washington, D.C., who are elected and paid to serve the needs and concerns of the American people in the United States House of Representatives and Senate, to offer their thoughts on what will help unite the American people. Many people feel it’s time to address inflation, create more jobs and job skills for our fellow Americans, more trade programs in America’s schools and focus on reducing poverty in the United States.

The goal of creating more jobs in America will certainly help unite the American people, America’s businesses, American workers and benefit American families.

The presidential, congressional and senatorial campaigns allow national candidates of both parties to document how they will unite us for the benefit of the American people and help promote American businesses, large and small. Employing American workers adds to a more vibrant economy in the United States of America, which will benefit all Americans.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Competitive products restore jobs

We have been discussing at length the importance of expanding manufacturing in America. Many products continue to bear the names of American corporations, but they are no longer made in the United States and we need to urge businesses to restore no less than 50% of everything now sold in America with an American-made label once again. We do that every time we seek our American-made products.

It is clear that a growing number of Americans are shopping with the intent of looking at labels and asking for American-made products. After considerable research, we find that for the price we are paying now for items with foreign-made labels, we could be purchasing a competitive American-made product for the same cost. This would allow us to get more Americans employed again.

Our research also indicates that one of the major difficulties in restoring America’s industries is that business owners and investors have focused on huge profits derived from foreign labor on products that are able to be sold in America for larger profits.

What is very interesting is that foreign producers are seeing for themselves that America’s importers are making a lot more money than the businesses and people being employed in foreign countries. As a result foreign producers continue to raise the cost of their products to America’s importers, which raises the cost to America’s consumers.

Inflation and the rising prices for foreign products has increased the willingness of America’s businesses to bring back production of their products to the United States, which would expand the American-made label and employ people in the country where we live.

Kindly continue to spread the word about the Buy American Made Campaign and don’t hesitate to send me your suggestions to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


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