HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: November 27, 2013

Letters to the Editor: November 27, 2013

There are certainly bigger issues at hand

Disagreement over the rights of same-sex oriented people continues to dominate the news. Along with the right to marry, discrimination with regard to hiring is now being discussed in Congress.

All this stems from the religious rulings of a bronze age desert tribe 3,000 years ago. Religious beliefs are just that: beliefs.

Same-sex oriented people will insist that they were born that way and could no more be changed than heterosexual people be convinced to become homosexual.

I have read of people being upset that a box of crackers has a symbol that signifies that the composition and preparation meet kosher standards. If a group of people will not eat shellfish or pork it should not be a concern to others.

There must have been at least two-dozen teachers over my 33-year teaching career who were same-sex oriented. It was not a matter of discussion in the classroom nor did it affect the curriculum.

Why does this matter cause people to toss and turn sleepless through the night? There are far more pressing problems facing the world.

Mel Flitter


Unfair treatment at Northeast libraries

Last week, after using the library computers, I requested the decanter of soap behind the checkout counter so I could cleanse my hands of germs. I was told that the “soap was for employees only.”

There has been a pattern of no soap available in rest rooms across Northeast Philadelphia libraries.

I have experienced similar events at the Somerton library and Northeast Regional as well.

When there is soap, it is often a “grimy-slimy decrepit” bar that appears it has been there since JFK’s time and would spread multiple viruses.

I think the libraries receive adequate funding to supply patrons with hygienic soap in a contained dispenser.

Some librarians have been polite, and have told me that they do this because some people steal the soap.

When I faced employment challenges in the past, my boss used to say, “Deal with it.”

Free Library of Philadelphia, “Deal with it.” Every citizen should be entitled to soap.

Myles Gordon


Some words in defense of Obamacare

I just received a letter from BC/BS, which reads that my health insurance for 2014 will go up and amazing $4.10. Yes, that is four dollars and ten cents per month. That comes to $49.20 for the year. I might have to go bankrupt.

Oh woe is me, gosh darn Obamacare is doing me in. Whatever shall I do? I wish my other monthly bills would only go up by that little.

President Obama, walked into the biggest mess this country has been in since the Great Depression, and this Tea Party congress has done nothing to help him. They only try to make him look bad. What will happen when Hillary gets in, since aside from hating a half white man, they also hate women! I’m counting my pennies.

Len Salinis Jr.


Factory should stay

I was shocked to read of yet another large corporation moving on and out of the Northeast. They are willing to spend $100 million to expand, but why elsewhere? They produce so many products, yet ovens are underutilized here?

Our residents need these jobs. The transportation is good and taxes go into the area. There is a large area at Budd Company if they need to expand. I am not affiliated in any way [with the former Kraft company], but if they leave the Northeast, I will buy other brands, and I hope others will follow suit.

Lets be supportive of the company staying.

Helene Abey

Fox Chase/Burholme

Support effort for healthy air

The World Health Organization recently labeled outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic, thereby confirming something I’ve always believed… air pollution contributes to lung disease. Now as I watch my children play outside, I have to wonder… How clean is the air they are breathing? And, as scary as it is, I’m afraid I know the answer… not very.

Some particle matter, like pollen, is a natural part of the air we breathe. But other particle matter, such as that caused by industrial burning, is anything but natural. It poisons our air. Emissions from motor vehicles, factories and power generation plants pollute our air.

I realize that cleaning our air is a monumental task. Large numbers of committed people must work tirelessly to advocate for tighter restrictions on air pollution. I also know that doing so is critical for our health. We shouldn’t have to worry that we are putting our children’s lungs at risk when we allow them to play outside.

So as a mother and a daughter and a person who cares about this community, I ask you to consider supporting The American Lung Association in its fight for healthy air. We all have lungs, and we all have the right to fill them with clean, carcinogen-free air.

Hillary Spruance

Kennett Square

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