HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: August 20, 2014

Letters to the Editor: August 20, 2014

Teach gun safety, PPD

The SWAT team of the Philadelphia police repeatedly placed automatic weapons in the hands of children for photo opportunities at the Fox Chase National Night Out on Aug. 5.

Yet, no words of caution or advice on gun safety were provided. Never once did I hear them say words of safety and caution such as, “This is not a toy,” “Never point it at another person,” or “If your friend shows you something like this, tell an adult.”

There was no literature about gun safety being provided. I did not observe any effort to educate parents about gun safety in their homes. This is inappropriate and very scary. Please stop it!

I spoke to both of the officers, but they did not seem to be taking my concerns very seriously.

I provided the names and badge numbers of both the officers involved to Police Commissioner Ramsey and to SWAT Capt. Winton Singleton along with photos, but have gotten no response from either of them.

I have great respect for the Philadelphia police and the many dedicated people in blue who work to keep our communities safe.

But this is not an appropriate use of our tax dollars or of police resources. No one should arm children with a playful idea about automatic weapons.

Marion Brown

Fox Chase

End attack campaigns

Summer is coming to a close, but the political commercials are galloping ahead. It is a shame that the governor and his opponent have to resort to negative tactics to get the voters’ attention.

One of the commercials shows that Tom Wolf made political decisions that were not good for the people. Another indicated that the actress in one of the commercials is making statements that are lies.

Wouldn’t be novel to hear a commercial that tells people what the governor, as well as his opponent, are going to do to benefit the state of Pennsylvania?

There is a quote that states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Both candidates should put this to the test. Possibly, this would create a higher voter turnout in November.

Marie Patton

Fox Chase

Thanks, NE Philadelphia

I am writing to say thank you to all of the youth carriers that I supervised in Mayfair and Lexington Park for the excellent service that every one of you so diligently provided to your customers in all kinds of weather.

I would also like to thank all of the customers who were so kind to these same carriers when they came to collect each month for the service they provided, which has now come to an end. As a carrier and district manager who worked for the Northeast Times for 32 years, it provided me with an opportunity to interact with not only the youth carriers that I hired, but also their parents, who were always very supportive.

I would like to thank the Northeast Times for the opportunity to be a part of their company. To all of my customers, store owners, carriers, parents and coworkers that I got to know over the years, it was a pleasure working with all of you.

Theresa McMullin


Editor’s note: Last month, the Northeast Times switched distribution companies. The paper is now delivered by Donnelly Distribution.

A look at politics, values

When I held the position of FOP president for Lodge 5, the people in St. Denis, France, named a street after the murderer of Danny Faulkner. We couldn’t believe that they would do that; it was like naming a street after Charlie Manson. So we took our plea to Washington to sanction the French city.

Now comes the part that shows you who has the courage to stand up to the entire Congress for what is right. It’s not always politics that matter. It’s values.

The people who stood up and testified were Allyson Schwartz and Mike Fitzpatrick. As you probably noticed one was a Democrat and one a Republican. These two people will always have my respect and support.

Bobby Eddis

Modena Park

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