A man who turned a Northeast motel into a scene from Gunfight at the O.K. Corral will have the next 10 to 20 years to view a whole catalog of Hollywood shoot-em-ups.
On Tuesday, Common Pleas Court Judge Rose Marie DeFino-Nastasi sentenced Vincent Jackson to state prison for his involvement in a March 31, 2014, shooting inside the Roosevelt Inn, at Roosevelt Boulevard and Napfle Street.
No one was injured during the episode, although Jackson and another man exchanged gunfire in the guest hallways and stairwells of the motel as patrons ducked for cover. Video surveillance cameras recorded much of the confrontation.
Jackson, 32, of Grays Ferry, was running a prostitution ring from the motel and believed another motel visitor was infringing on his business, according to testimony at his August trial. Jackson was mistaken.
Nonetheless, Adonis Fountain of Germantown, who was 19 at the time, also had a gun and returned Jackson’s fire. Fountain later pleaded guilty to carrying a gun without a license. He was sentenced to up to 23 months in a Philadelphia lock-up.
A jury convicted Jackson of aggravated assault, promoting prostitution, corrupting a minor and three gun offenses. ••