HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: May 25, 2016

Letters to the Editor: May 25, 2016

Show respect for opinions

While driving along Verree Road on the day of the Pennsylvania primary, I noticed a large sign posted on the front lawn of a corner house.

And when I say large, this was large. It had to be at least 7 feet by 7 feet. Large enough to hit you in the face with the candidate’s name, “Vote for Kevin Boyle, Democrat.”

Now driving and seeing that, I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s a very big endorsement, and the owner of that corner house is very proud to display his candidate.”

Then, on the other hand, I said to myself, “That’s all right for this person to show his admiration for his fellow Democrat,” but then, as a registered Republican, anger set in. I thought, if this person had the right to put such a big display for a Democrat on his property, then why was that fellow in New Jersey so harassed and fined by his county for flying a Donald Trump banner on his lawn?

Is this what has become of American democracy? Are we to be feared for displaying our likes? The storm troopers will quickly be dispatched to correct the disobedient if one strays from the norm.

Has America come down to that?

All people’s opinions are to be respected in a democratic America. What if that sign on Verree Road was for Donald Trump? Would it be equally appreciated as much as for the democrat? Obviously, there was no sign of malcontent for that sign on the corner house. No fines by the city were being issued for such a big sign.

I shudder to think what has happened to our freedom of choice as I drove past the sign and respected that person’s freedom to display. As long as I, as an individual, have the same tight to my choice without harassment.

Al Ulus


Hillary worse than Trump

Broad Street Media posted a picture of Donald Trump with a litany of highly critical words under his picture. I am not a Trump supporter, in fact we may have reached a low point of potential candidates.

I think Broad Street Media should post a picture of Hillary Clinton next week, except they would need a full page to list all the critical words that best describe her. Just imagine, Bill Clinton may be back in the White House.

Anthony Dello Russo

Fox Chase

Wolf shoving transgender issues down our throat

I understand that Gov. Wolf has made all public restrooms in our state, transgender friendly. I guess that means the concept (and expectations) of male and female bathrooms is now gone. I have rights, too, Gov. Wolf, and they also need to be respected.

There was a simple solution — make all single-unit bathrooms, open to everyone — but no, you didn’t do this, because you wanted to shove this issue down our throats. You see transgender rights are more urgent than balanced budgets, falling bridges, bad schools and failing communities.

As I wrote many times previously in this newspaper, what started as a reasonable plea for the right of gay people to assist partners in the hospital, has been hijacked into civil unions, then gay marriage, then bisexuality, now transgenderism. What’s next? Imagine what all this does to the healthy development of sexuality in today’s children.

In the end it’s not really about gender. It’s about destroying society’s institutions — the church, the family — so that the government can replace them. Democrats particularly, are becoming totalitarians while Republicans mostly hide, like cowards.

I would urge any mature, thoughtful person to become involved with your church or family-friendly groups. They need our support now, more than ever.

And vote whenever you can — against the purveyors of this nonsense.

Richard Iaconelli


Yet another higher fee

When I received my Pennsylvania vehicle registration renewal application, it went from $36 to $41. There’s a $5 county fee for transportation needs for your county. I didn’t hear on the news about this fee or from anyone else about this fee. They’re diming us to death.

Robert E. Falco


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