HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: September 14, 2016

Letters to the Editor: September 14, 2016

White refuses per diems

Representing 66,000 people of the Far Northeast as state representative is a privilege I take very seriously.

I understand that every dollar spent in the Pennsylvania budget was earned by hard-working families before it went to the state treasury. That is why I refuse to take the per diems legislators are offered to offset their expenses. In Harrisburg, these per diems can be as high as $175 a day — with no need for receipts and no consideration for actual costs.

I think the per diem system is flawed, which is why when I go to Harrisburg for legislative business, I take reimbursement only for my actual expenses — and face strict limits on what I can receive. I also submit receipts for my expenses, just like you do in the working world.

I also refuse to submit for meal reimbursements in Harrisburg, though this is another “allowed” expense for legislators. If I were working at home, I would have to pay for my own meals, just like everyone else. I see no reason that shouldn’t apply when I am in Harrisburg.

By submitting only for actual expenses, refusing meal reimbursements and submitting expenses, I am saving tax dollars — your money — and ensuring transparency is maintained within my office and expenses.

You and all the citizens of Pennsylvania have a right to know that your tax dollars are not being squandered on expensive dinners and fancy living arrangements for their legislators. I pledge to always put my constituents’ best interests first, and this is just one example of how I am keeping that pledge.

Rep. Martina White

170th Legislative District

Down with Kaepernick

In reference to Marie Patton’s letter (This country needs jobs, published in the Aug. 31 edition of the Northeast Times), you are right. The cause is Overseas Private Investment Corporation. It was a dream and enactment by our government many years ago. The late Irv Homer, a radio talk show host. beat his drum for a year telling people to contact their senators and congressmen to reject it.

Now look at the results it caused.

P.S. The drawing by Mr. Stiglich of a military cemetery should be sent to quarterback Colin Kaepernick — thank you.

John Walsh


Speed humps are needed

I agree with the overkill of speed humps on Southampton Road.

But I would definitely like to see them on Northeast Avenue, between Red Lion Road and Tomlinson Road, behind George Washington High School.

Does anyone pay attention to the school zone and flashing signals? Of course not. No one obeys the flashing school zone signals.

This road is posted a 25 miles-per-hour limit. Signs are posted up and down the block, along with new signs to drive carefully 25 miles-per-hour, which I personally went to Brian O’Neill’s office to inquire about. Thank you for them. O’Neill’s office will always help you, and the problem gets addressed, too.

There is a stop sign going north to Tomlinson Road. I believe it means “stop.” Enough speeding down this street. There are times people speed down this avenue doing 60 or 70 miles-per-hour, I kid you not. We now have a change in the neighborhood with new families moving in with young children.

I believe speed humps are much needed, or either a police officer to issue a few tickets.

Although this is not a priority for the police, it is common sense.

F.M.R. LePera


No more red-light cameras

At the last Fox Chase Homeowners meeting, Bob Previdi of the Bicycle Association made a presentation attempting to justify the renewal of the red light camera program on Roosevelt Boulevard as well as installing speed cameras. His contention is speed is the main cause of accidents. He also mentioned they have discussed reducing the number of lanes on the Boulevard, which would be a real treat for rush-hour drivers.

I will not bore you with all the reasons why I feel it is unnecessary to install cameras. Unfortunately, he has the ear of City Council and Harrisburg. I have just grown weary of another way for them to put their hands in our pockets. If you agree with me that cameras are unnecessary and reducing the number of lanes would be a disaster, write your state rep and City Council.

Anthony Dello Russo

Fox Chase

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