Two officers were named Officers of the Month for April for solving a robbery of items from a 4-year-old’s bedroom.

Police Officers Joseph Kelly and Dominic Lombardi were chosen as Officers of the Month for April in the 2nd district as a result of their capture of two men who allegedly burglarized an occupied home.
Kelly and Lombardi were working the overnight shift on April 25 when they responded to a 911 call involving two suspicious men who were hiding in bushes near the 700 block of Hartel Avenue. The officers spotted the suspects and, during their preliminary investigation, determined the men were in possession of a tablet computer as well as a pair of sneakers inside a Rollerblades box.
While examining the tablet, the officers found contact information for the residents of a nearby home. The officers contacted the couple and determined the tablet and sneakers had been stolen from their home earlier that night.
Both items were taken from the bedroom of a couple’s 4-year-old son. Surveillance video showed the suspects breaking into the boy’s bedroom window. The burglars were inside the house for about 10 minutes.
As a result, both suspects were charged with home invasion robbery, burglary and related offenses. ••