An alleged burglar left behind video evidence after breaking into a home on the 5400 block of Sylvester Street last month.

An alleged burglar left behind video evidence after breaking into a home on the 5400 block of Sylvester Street last month. Police have released images of the suspect in hope of identifying him.
The crime happened on June 8 at about 8:50 a.m. The cameras initially recorded the suspect in a rear driveway as he was “casing” homes on the block, police said. Eventually, the man entered someone’s yard and burglarized the residence. Police did not disclose what, if anything, was stolen.
The camera then recorded the suspect as he fled the scene.
Based on the video, the suspect appears to be a light-skinned man with dark hair, unknown height and a heavy build. He wore a black shirt, black pants, gray zip-up hoodie and white sneakers. He carried a backpack. Call 215–686-TIPS or text to PPD TIP to report information. ••