HomeNewsAround town Nov. 29, 2017

Around town Nov. 29, 2017

See what’s happening in Northeast Philadelphia.

Craft show is this Saturday

A Holiday Bazaar and Craft Show will take place on Saturday Dec. 2, at Crossroads Bible Church, 855 Old Huntingdon Pike in Huntingdon Valley from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Those interested in reserving a space to sell new or used items can contact Jose Melendez at 267–776–5934. A $10 donation for church youth group is appreciated. Tables will be provided. ••

Holiday bazaar on Sunday

A holiday bazaar will take place at SPIN Community & Fitness (formerly Norcom Community Center), 10980 Norcom Road, on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The event will feature more than 65 vendors/crafters, raffle baskets and food. ••

Hair salon holding Christmas party

Christine’s Creations Unisex Salon will hold a Christmas charity event on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 2 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, 3300 Knorr St.

Santa Claus will give out toys. The day will also include food, treats, music and activities.

Call 267–333–9845. ••

CAPA presents Noises Off

High School for Creative & Performing Arts seniors Mariana Vassallo, Kaira Poland and Victoria Rowell, all Northeast residents, will perform in two productions of Noises Off.

CAPA’s Theater IV class will present the comic play on Thursday, Nov. 30, at 3:30 p.m. and Friday, Dec. 1, at 6 p.m. at the school, 901 S. Broad St.

Tickets cost $5 on Thursday and $10 on Friday. ••

Mosaics art class at KleinLife

KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave., is offering a five-week mosaics art class beginning on Monday, Dec. 4, from 12:45 to 2 p.m.

The public is invited to participate.

Cost for the series, including materials, is $25.

To register, contact Shelley Geltzer at 215–698–7300, Ext. 129 or [email protected] ••

History network meeting on Dec. 6

The Northeast Philadelphia History Network will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. at Pennepack Baptist Church, 8732 Krewstown Road.

The guest speaker will be local historian Matt Jackson, who will address the Trinity Church, Oxford Parish House, which was just deemed historic.

Jackson will present a history og the church, Parish House and surrounding historical sites, and of the community’s efforts to work with Trinity Oxford, Church to preserve the Parish House building and the church. ••

Santa coming to Holmesburg

Santa Claus will visit Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

The evening will include cookies, candy canes and crafts. The event is sponsored by Friends of Holmesburg Library.

Call 215–685–8756. ••

Jews, Judaism and rock ’n’ roll

Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road in Bustleton, will welcome Rabbi Lance Sussman on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. for You Say You Want a Revolution, a discussion on rock ’n’ roll and the role of Jews in contemporary culture.

The cost is $5.

Refreshments will be served.

To RSVP, call 215–677–1600. ••

Free narrated trolley tours of Tacony

The Tacony Community Development Corporation is sponsoring the Historical Society of Tacony’s trolley tours of the historic neighborhood at the Winterfest, on Saturday, Dec. 2, at Tacony Library, 6742 Torresdale Ave.

The narrated tours will take place at 1:30 and 2:30 p.m., departing from the library. Tours are free, and are geared for anyone 9 or older. To register, visit the library or call the historical society at 215–338–8790. ••

Holiday Fest coming to Philadelphia Mills

Brightwood Career Institute, 177 Franklin Mills Blvd., will host its second annual Holiday Fest, featuring Santa Claus, on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public. There will be family-friendly activities, photos with Santa, writing thank you notes for military troops, refreshments, a tacky sweater contest, crafts, giveaways and raffles.

Call 215–612–6600. ••

Teen chat room at NE Regional Library

Shawna’s House Teen Chat Room is a teen mentoring network for boys and girls ages 13 to 18. There are group discussions and community service projects.

Meetings will take place in the meeting room of Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on the following Saturdays: Dec. 2, Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3, April 7, May 5 and June 2.

Call Shawna for information at 267–685–6176. ••

Normandy Civic Association holding toy drive

The Normandy Civic Association is having a holiday toy drive to benefit patients at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. New, unwrapped toys may be dropped off at 2849 Narcissus Road.

The delivery to CHOP will be made on Dec. 9. ••

Fish brunch at Shaare Shamayim

The Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road, is planning a fish brunch, catered by Barclay, for Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10:30 a.m.

The event is being held to honor past presidents of the synagogue’s combined community.

The cost is $38. Call 215–677–1600 for reservations. ••

Holiday craft fair in Holmesburg

Holmesburg Baptist Church, 7927 Frankford Ave., will host a holiday craft fair on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day will include homemade baked goods, Avon products and lunch specials.

Children can visit Santa and have their pictures taken for free. Mrs. Claus will have candy for each child. ••

Christmas carols at Fox Chase church

Fox Chase United Methodist Church, at Fillmore and Loney streets, will host a Christmas carol singalong on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 3 p.m. Call 215–745–7416. ••

Christmas bazaar to be held Sunday

Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, 205 Huntingdon Pike in Rockledge, will hold a Christmas bazaar on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The day will include crafts, a white elephant table, baked goods, Santa Paws and lunch with Santa Claus from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 215–663–9903. ••

Mayfair tree lighting event on Sunday

The Mayfair Christmas Village will be open on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 2 to 6 p.m. at Frankford and Ryan avenues. The day will feature a Christmas tree lighting and vendors. ••

Philly Orchestra offering holiday programs

The Philadelphia Orchestra will present a number of upcoming holiday events at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, Broad and Spruce streets.

A Kids’ Christmas Spectacular is set for Saturday, Dec. 2, at 11:30 a.m. Tickets range from $23 to $52.

The Glorious Sounds of Christmas will be on state from Dec. 14–17. Tickets range from $21 to $106.

Handel’s Messiah will be performed on Dec. 21–22 at 7 p.m. Tickets range from $60 to $135.

On New Year’s Eve at 7:30 p.m., conductor Stephane Deneve will lead the orchestra in pieces from around the world. Tickets range from $35 to $135.

For more information, go to tickets.philorch.org ••

Upcoming events at Barnes & Noble

The Barnes & Noble at Neshaminy Mall will host several upcoming events.

On Friday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m., there will be Polar Express Pajama Storytime. The evening will include a reading of the holiday classic and cookies and hot cocoa for kids.

On Saturday, Dec. 2, Educator Appreciation Day will run from 9 to 10 a.m. Educators will receive 25 percent off books, movies, puzzles, games and music.

Also on Saturday, the Grinch will make an appearance for a reading of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas at 1 p.m.

There will also be a coloring activity.

On Sunday, Dec. 3, from 1 to 3 p.m., author Greg Pizzoli will read and sign copies of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Kids will also have a chance to color.

Call 215–364–4235. ••

Grief support group meeting on Dec. 7

Donna Glatz, widow of slain Lawncrest jeweler William Glatz, will hold Heal Your Heart From Loss on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the James E. Kinney Senior Center, 165 Township Road in Richboro.

Glatz will share the story of her husband’s murder.

William Glatz was shot to death in 2010 during a robbery attempt inside his jewelry store on Rising Sun Avenue.

Obina Onyiah was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Kevin Turner, who had escaped from Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility nine days earlier, died in a shootout with Glatz.

The Glatz family had owned the store for more than 60 years.

For more information, email [email protected] ••

Concert on Saturday night

Cabaret star Karen Akers will be in concert on Saturday, Dec. 2, at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, 8339 Old York Road in Elkins Park, at 8 p.m.

Tickets cost $55 at the door. Students age 23 and under will be admitted free with school identification.

Call 215–887–8700 or visit www.kenesethisrael.org ••

Tailgate at Nick’s Roast Beef

Nick’s Roast Beef, 2210 Cottman Ave., will host a tailgate party on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The Eagles play at Seattle that night at 8:30.

Former Eagles Ron Jaworski and Seth Joyner will make appearances.

Tickets cost $20 and include raffle tickets and a question-and-answer session.

VIP tickets are $75 and include a limited open bar, buffet, a meet and greet and an autographed photo from Jaworski and Joyner. ••

Zumba fitness classes in West Mayfair

Zumba fitness classes will take place on four upcoming Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Tina’s Center Stage of Dance, 3401 Friendship St.

Hannah Tilton will run classes on Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, 14 and 21.

The first class is free. The cost is $5 for returning students.

Call 267–228–1827 or visit hannaht.zumba.com ••

Christmas bazaar and tea at Ryerss

Friends of Ryerss Museum & Library will sponsor a Victorian Christmas bazaar and tea on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The museum/library is at 7370 Central Ave., in Burholme Park.

Santa Claus will make an appearance at 10:30. The day will also include crafts, gifts, lunch, raffles, baked goods and live music.

Wreaths, decorations and books will be for sale. ••

Lane closures on Roosevelt Boulevard

Daytime lane closures are scheduled in both directions on the outer lanes of Roosevelt Boulevard, between 9th Street and the Bucks County line, through Friday, Dec. 1.

The closures will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are related to a major improvement project to repair and resurface 12 miles of the Boulevard. ••

Tour All Saints’ on Saturday

The public is invited to tour All Saints’ Torresdale Episcopal Church, 9601 Frankford Ave., on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m.

The tour will be led by Debbie Klak, a producer of the King’s Highway documentary film, and the church history committee.

The theme is Through the Eyes of Stained Glass. Guests will learn the stories behind each window and the artists who created them.

Donations are accepted for the church’s graveyard restoration project.

Call 215–637–8787. ••

Winterization on Sunday

Northeast NORC will hold its annual winterization on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Volunteers will prepare local older adults’ homes for winter.

They will seal drafty windows and doors, replace smoke alarm batteries and hard-to-reach light bulbs, rake leaves, cover air conditioners and make minor home repairs.

To volunteer, contact Michael Priole at 215–320–0351 or [email protected] ••

Medicare discussion on Thursday

Northeast NORC will hold a discussion on Medicare enrollment on Thursday, Nov. 30, at Northeast Older Adult Center, Bustleton and Solly avenues.

Lunch will be served, and the panel discussion will begin, at 11:30 a.m.

Free blood pressure screenings will follow.

The cost is $1. ••

Acclaimed author coming to Frankford

Author Scott Mingus will be presenting and signing copies of his book, Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Confederate Expedition to the Susquehanna River, June 1863, on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 1 p.m. at the Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum and Library, 4278 Griscom St.

For more information, visit http://garmuslib.org/ ••

Holiday bazaar set for Saturday

Holy Redeemer Lafayette, 8580 Verree Road, will host a holiday bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event will feature crafts, new items and food. ••

Flea market Sunday at Judge

The Father Judge High School Parents’ Association will sponsor a flea market in the school cafeteria, 3301 Solly Ave., on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Chips, soda, pretzels and water will be available for purchase.

To become a vendor or for more information, email [email protected] or [email protected] ••

Bingo and dinner at Shaare Shamayim

The Sisterhood of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim will sponsor an evening of bingo, boutique tables and a baked ziti dinner with dessert on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m. at the synagogue, 9768 Verree Road.

The cost is $23.

For reservations, call 215–677–1600. ••

Bereavement support group at Lambie

Lambie Funeral Home, Rowland Avenue and Rhawn Street, hosts a bereavement support group on the first Wednesday of the month.

There is no fee, and refreshments will be served.

Sessions run from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Future dates are Dec. 6, Feb. 7, March 7, April 4, May 2 and June 6.

The sessions will be facilitated by Deborah K. Gawthrop.

For more information, call 215–624–8190 or email [email protected] ••

Free smoking cessation classes offered at Nazareth

Nazareth Hospital, 2601 Holme Ave., will offer smoking and tobacco cessation classes on upcoming Wednesdays through Dec. 13.

Classes will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the first-floor cancer team conference room.

Registration is required. Call 215–335–7727. ••

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