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Fore a great cause

Kyle is ready to be your catty if need be. CONTRIBUTED
Kyle is ready to be your catty if you need one. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

It’s a win-win situation.

Imagine telling your spouse that you’re taking a day off from work and heading out to the golf course. Imagine telling them you’re going to play 18 holes at a private country club, have a great breakfast, a great lunch and you’re going to soak up the sun while knocking back some beers with your friends.

Now imagine them being all for it.

Doesn’t sound too realistic, does it? Well, if your significant other is a dog lover or a crazy cat person, you’re in luck because there’s an event planned that will check all these boxes.

Philadoptables and Mac’s Fund are running their first charity golf outing at Cedarbrook Country Club in Blue Bell on April 8.

Philadoptables is an organization that helps save the lives and support the welfare of the city’s shelter animals. It works primarily with Philadelphia’s Animal Care and Control Team, and assists the city’s only open-intake shelter with whatever needs it may have, including medical care and help with life saving.

Mac’s Fund is dedicated to the well being of community and shelter cats in and around the Philadelphia area.

“We’ve done a lot of different fundraisers and the one thing we always try to do is make it fun because we want to help animals, but we also want people to enjoy themselves while they’re helping,” said Diana Bauer, vice president of Philadoptables. “This seemed like a great idea. It’s right when the weather is starting to get better, and everyone loves golf. We decided to give it a try because it’s a great cause, and it helps animals.

“It’s a good chance for someone who wants to play on a private course to come out and play. I’m not a golfer, but this is one of the nicest courses around and if you’re not a member, you usually can’t play. This is a chance to play a great course.”

It’s also a chance to help.

This time of year is a rough one for animals in the city, especially for cats. Kitten season runs all year, but it’s especially hectic this time of year. Sure, the weather isn’t as cold so people don’t think outdoor cats need help, but that’s not true. It’s also a perfect time to neuter outdoor cats so there won’t be more homeless ones next year and the year after that.

That’s where Mac’s Fund comes in, and like Philadoptables, it’s happy to use a fun afternoon as a way to help animals.

“Marrying Mac’s Fund’s mission to provide financial resources for homeless and community cats with the sport that provides its own kitty litters, also known as sand traps, seemed like a no-brainer,” said Clare Morrison, president of Mac’s Fund. “Mac’s Fund feels a golf outing is the perfect way to reach an audience that may not be aware of the many issues that plague community and homeless cats.”

While the event is a fundraiser, golfers are certainly getting their money’s worth.

The day opens with registration and breakfast at 8:30 a.m. A shotgun start will be at 10:15 a.m. and after it’s over, there will be a lunch buffet, which includes an open bar.

The cost is $200 per golfer, $750 per foursome, and if you just want to party with the crew, you can do just lunch for $75. The cost includes green fees, golf cart and beer on the course as well as golf, breakfast and lunch.

“The weather is starting to get better, so we think this will be a great day to get out and have fun,” Bauer said. “I’m not a golfer, so I won’t be playing, but I’ll be there to hang out and have fun. Events like these are always great because you get to hang out with people who love animals, but they know how to have fun, too.”

And if you play, you know your fun time will lead to animals having a better time. And it helps the mission of both Philadoptables and Mac’s Fund.

“We wanted to find a way to help, but we also wanted this to be a great day for people,” Bauer said. “We’ve done pub crawls and had nights out, we’ve tried a lot of other events, but we figured people like golf, and it’s the perfect time of year to get out after the long winter. But you’re also helping animals, so it works every way.” ••

For more information or to sign up for the outing, visit philadoptables.org