Maternity BVM

• Class of 1984. 35th reunion. Saturday, Nov. 16. 7 p.m. to midnight. Maggie’s Waterfront Cafe, 9242 N. Delaware Ave. Dinner, open bar, live music by Mike Masse, Quizzo, giveaways and raffle prizes. Bill Tighe: tighewm@msn.com or 215-205-4404.

St. Michael (2nd & Jefferson Street)

•  Alumni Mass. Saturday, Oct. 26. 4 p.m. St. Michael Church, 1445 N. 2nd St. Reception to follow at Curran’s Irish Inn, 6900 State Road. 6 to 10 p.m. $40. Hot buffet, dessert, open bar, DJ, donation to St. Mike’s Church. Diane (‘81), 215-776-4684, or Kelly (‘82), 215-519-7552.

Thomas Creighton

• Class of 1979. 40th-year reunion. Nov. 22. 7 to 11 p.m. Maggio’s Restaurant, 400 Second Street Pike, Southampton. Grads from a few years before and after ‘79 welcome. Info: Grace Carangelo Malizia, 215-514-7272 or grace.malizia@verizon.net.


Abraham Lincoln

• Class of 1974. 45th reunion. Nov. 2. Classmates can join the Class of 1974 group on Facebook or contact Mimi Keil Garbinski at PAcheer25@aol.com or 215-338-8277.


Navy Reunions

• Visit HullNumber.com for a listing of reunions. The site is a free service enabling Navy shipmates to renew old friendships. There are currently more than 8,700 Navy ship, submarine and air squadron personnel rosters listed. ••

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