Home News Solomon presents Cedar Grove with safe schools grant

Solomon presents Cedar Grove with safe schools grant

State Rep. Jared Solomon last week presented a $24,924 grant to Cedar Grove Christian Academy, 6445 Bingham St.

The Safe Schools Targeted Grant will go toward upgrading the school’s security equipment, which includes investments in multi-channel radios for teachers and staff to stay in constant contact during emergencies; a surveillance system with interior and exterior cameras accessible both on site and remotely; and updating the electronic locking system for additional protection to the main entrance.

“We have a responsibility to provide children with not only a quality education but a safe learning environment,” Solomon said. “I am proud to work with schools in Northeast Philadelphia, like Cedar Grove Christian Academy, to secure state resources that help make needed safety improvements more affordable.”

“Safety is a top priority at Cedar Grove Christian Academy,” said principal Jeffrey Howard. “This funding is critical in allowing us to make the necessary updates to best protect and prepare our students, teachers and staff for dangerous situations that may arise.” ••