St. Hubert High School students last week participated in the school’s “Passionately Pink Breast Cancer Walk.” Each girl wore a student-designed pink T-shirt with the words “For the cure” and carried an “I walk for” pink sign with the name of a loved one for whom they were walking or whose memory was being honored.
After taking two laps around the school property, students gathered on the steps of the front entrance, where they presented a check for $3,600 for breast cancer awareness to principal Gina MacKenzie and sang the alma mater.
Passionately Pink is held each October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, to raise funds and awareness in the battle against the disease. The initiative is led by the student council.
Many of the students walked in memory of Denise Anhalt, wife of popular social studies teacher Joe Anhalt. Denise died of breast cancer in 2019. ••