Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, and polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Mail-in ballots can be dropped off at the following area locations: city election commissioners warehouse, 11311 Roosevelt Blvd.; Cpl. Jimmy O’Connor Memorial Playground, 4339 Deerpath Lane; Pelbano Recreation Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave.; and Vogt Recreation Center, 4131 Unruh Ave.
Here are the races on the ballot:
U.S. Senate: Democrat John Fetterman, Republican Mehmet Oz, Libertarian Erik Gerhardt, Green Party’s Richard L. Weiss and Keystone Party’s Daniel Wassmer.
Governor/Lieutenant Governor: Democrats Josh Shapiro and Austin Davis; Republicans Douglas V. Mastriano and Carrie Lewis DelRosso; Libertarians Matt Hackenburg and Tim McMaster; the Green Party’s Christina DiGiulio and Michael Badges-Canning; and the Keystone Party’s Joe Soloski and Nicole Shultz.
2nd Congressional District: Democratic Rep. Brendan Boyle and Republican Aaron Bashir.
172nd Legislative District: Democratic Rep. Kevin Boyle and Republican Al Taubenberger.
177th Legislative District: Democratic Rep. Joe Hohenstein and Republican Mark LaVelle.
City Council At-Large: Democrat Jim Harrity, Republican Drew Murray and Libertarian Poetica Bey.
City Council At-Large: Democrat Sharon Vaughn, Republican Jim Hasher and Libertarian Marc Jurchak.
7th Councilmanic District: Democrat Quetcy Lozada, Republican James Whitehead and Libertarian Randall J. Justus.
9th Councilmanic District: Democrat Anthony Phillips, Republican Roslyn Ross and Libertarian Yusuf Jackson.
There will also be two ballot questions.
The first reads, “Should the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to create the Department of Aviation and to transfer certain functions related to the operations of City airports from the other City agencies to the Department of Aviation?”
The other reads, “Shall The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to provide for a preference in civil service examinations for qualified graduates of Career Technical Education programs in the School District of Philadelphia?”
For more information, visit vote.phila.gov. ••