Five local high school senior basketball players have been chosen to play in the 37th annual All Star Labor Classic, the showcase of regional talents presented by the Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council. This year’s matchups between the city’s and suburbs’ best boys and girls players will take place Sunday, April 14, at Holy Family University.
The local all-stars are Greg Weiss (Archbishop Ryan), Laquan Byrd (Father Judge), Anthony Lilly (Father Judge), Leyshka Ruperto (Frankford) and Meghan Colfer (Little Flower).
Each player will receive a $500 college scholarship.
The schedule for the All Star Labor Classic is as follows:
Noon: Labor All Stars vs. Media All Stars
1:15 p.m.: City Girls vs. Suburban Girls
2:45 p.m.: City Boys vs. Suburban Boys
Admission is free.
Sponsorship opportunities remain. Visit www.allstarlaborclassic.com. ••